Fyi ... (01)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:04 AM
Subject: Proceedings: UoM Ontology Standard - Workshop at NSF - Fri 2009.10.30
To: uom-ontology-std <uom-ontology-std@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (02)
We had a really productive workshop on Oct-30. 12 people participated
on-site at NSF, and another 12 participated remotely. (03)
Proceedings are now online - see:
... you will find all the slides, audio recording of the discussion,
session/chat transcript, as well as links and various other resources
there. (04)
A huge thank you to Dr. Frank Olken (NSF), Mr. Ed Barkmeyer (NIST)
and Mr. Howard Mason (BAE; ISO) for co-chairing the workshop. (05)
Over this session, our goals and the progress-to-date were reviewed,
and the scope for this UoM_Ontology_Standard work was refined.
Consensus on the next step for this initiative, is to start a TC
(Technical Committee) at OASIS, under the name "Quantity and Unit of
Measure Ontology Standard (QUOMOS)" so that this work will be
conducted a proper SDO (standards development organization) setting. (06)
Various team members (EdBarkmeyer, DavidLeal,
RobRaskin+ChipMasters+HansPeter_de-Koning, PatHayes,
JoelBender+PeterYim, HowardMason) will be championing parts of our
deliverables. These deliverables will need to be ready by Nov-16, in
time for review and finalization at our next workgroup meeting on
Thursday, 19-Nov-2009. Please mark your calendars (for both the work
deadline, and the meeting date.) A session page will be developing
(for this next meeting) at:
(... and, like our Oct-30 workshop, observers are welcome too.) Our
aim is to have the first QUOMOS OASIS TC Meeting in mid-January 2010
(possibly, Thu 14-Jan-2010.) (07)
Once again, we want to thank FrankOlken & NSF for hosting us; and to
extend our appreciations to everyone who participated and contributed
at the on Oct-30 workshop. (08)
Thanks & regards. =ppy (09)
for and on behalf of the organizers
Ed Barkmeyer
Howard Mason
Frank Olken
David Price
Steve Ray
Peter Yim
-- (010)
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Re:
> (011)
> = *REMINDER* =
> (012)
> Our UoM_Ontology_Standard workshop at NSF is happening tomorrow (Fri
> The AGENDA and other details are available on the session page
> at:
> (013)
> LOGISTICS, dial-in, registered attendees (both working team members
> and observers) can be found
> at:
> Please review the above pages (carefully, if you are participating.) (014)
> In particular,
> 1. On-site attendees should be at the NSF front lobby at 8:00am (get
> your badges, you may need to get your laptop cleared, etc.) so that we
> can start promptly at 8:30pm. (015)
> 2. Anyone who has further input into the workshop (especially speakers
> who have slides or other documents that need to be shared) please
> e-mail them to this thread (or, post them directly to the wiki, or
> even email them to me) before 10pm EDT today (Thu 2009.10.29) so we
> can get them all in place before the workshop (without having to waste
> them fuddling with them during the session.) (016)
> 3. We should have listed everyone who is registered under:
> ... in case you think you are registered, but doesn't see your name
> there, please email Frank and myself *right away*!
> (017)
> Regards. =ppy
> -- (018)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:25 PM
> Subject: Moving Forward on the UoM Standard Ontology initiative - 2
> upcoming events - Thu 2009.09.24 & Fri 2009.10.30
> To: uom-ontology-std <uom-ontology-std@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> (019)
> Prompted by the active input and contribution from this community, a
> few of us got together (see:
> ) earlier today to see what we could be doing to move the effort
> forward. I am happy to announce that the following two events have
> been scheduled: (020)
> 1. A *virtual panel discussion* session to be held on *Thursday
> 24-Sep-2009* to (a) hear presentations of pertinent work that we
> haven't yet had the chance to, (b) take inventory of, and synthesize
> on what has transpired so far, (c) review possible strawman UoM
> ontology(ies) that could result, (d) possibly put together an
> ontology development working group, and (e) discuss how we could/would
> want to move forward. Please mark your calendars, and track this event
> from the the developing session page
> at: (021)
> 2. A *full-day face-to-face workshop* for developers (the working
> group) of our "UoM Standard Ontology" (and those in the community who
> would want to join us as observers of the process) will be held on
> *Friday 30-Oct-2009*. The plan is to do this at NSF (Arlington,
> Virginia, US; near the Greater Washington DC Ballston Metro Station).
> Note that this date is immediately after ISWC 2009 (which will have
> ended on the afternoon of Thursday 19-Oct-2009 at Chantilly, Virgina,
> US ... i.e. also in the Greater Washington DC Area). We wanted to
> rush this announcement out so that folks who are planning to be at
> ISWC 2009 (for which early registration is closing in two days - see:
> &
> ) and then join us at this workshop afterwards can plan their trip and
> accommodations accordingly. ... Again, please mark your calendars, and
> track this event from the developing session page
> at:
> (022)
> ... Further ideas, suggestions and comments to the above planned
> events (or to the entire initiative) are always welcome.
> (023)
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> -- (024)
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