I don't want to start another thread on this topic, but since
there have been some discussions about Indo-European languages,
I'd like to suggest a book that can be downloaded for free.
(A printed copy can be purchased for $19.99.) (01)
A Grammar of Modern Indo-European
by Carlos Quiles & Fernando López-Menchero (02)
The complete book is 824 pages long with many color illustrations.
That makes it over 15 megabytes. But it is possible to read or
download individual chapters separately: (03)
http://dnghu.org/en/Grammar-Indo-European-Language/ (04)
The first several chapters present a good overview of the various
I-E languages and the scholarship in discovering their inter-
relationships. (05)
The title "Modern Indo-European" is both weird and controversial.
The authors (and their colleagues) have reconstructed what they
consider the vocabulary and syntax of a European I-E, into which
they have translated various texts. They claim that this so-called
"modern" Indo-European language could be used as a candidate for
a common language for the European Union. I wouldn't bet on it.
But it is interesting. (06)
In any case, the early chapters have good maps and discussions
of the evidence, theories, and hypotheses about the I-E languages. (07)
John Sowa (08)
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