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Re: [ontolog-forum] Book on logic

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 15:05:36 +0100
Message-id: <4a4804720909210705l68e7a27v17db5a7da521128@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
John: thanks
Pavitra: it would be useful if we could relate these interesting facts taht you cite to ontolog, since indeed
we are reaching broader audiences :-)



On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dr. Sowa,
There was a Yogi from India called "Sri Yogananda"  lived between 1893 -1953 and migrated to US in 1917 and lived in US till he accepted his samadi.   ( passing away in his own terms).
He was from reasonably wealthy family and was educated in British school system and had a degree in science.   His mother was spiritual and her guru told him that if he marries, he will have to marry four times, because, all wives would pass away before him!  Since he studied science, he decided to defy the guru and said that he would never marry, so he would never have a wife, and hence never had to witness any of his wives dying.   He decided to become a Yogi.
He used similar logic as two dimensional modal logic and to proove" science of religions" ! His interest was Christ and Krishna.    Since they both had  just few similarities, starting with names.
For example Christ is pronounced as "Yesu Krista" and Krishna as "Yasoda Krishna".  Yasoda is Krishnas sarogate mather..   Both of them were considered self realised at birth and born to enlightened the world..
He has published many books and had many followers here in US.  Elvis Presley was one his followers!
Probably if he had gotten your notes he would have had better arguments.    But I see how one can use such logic for langauges and worlds to prove whether they are the same or different..  
I am still reading the rest of your book...

--- On Sun, 9/20/09, John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: John F. Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Book on logic
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 9:35 PM

Since logic has been a frequent topic of discussion in this forum,
everybody has probably had a fair amount of exposure to logic.

But some of the discussions often go into many details about logic
that are not covered in an introductory course.  I recently came
across a draft of a textbook that introduces many of those details.
See the end of this note for the URL and table of contents.

Note that the book was written for philosophers.  That means that it
puts more emphasis on the meaning of the logic and less emphasis on
mathematics.  However, it does use a lot of mathematical symbols.

Anyone who has forgotten their college courses on math and logic
might find it useful to read the following short review:


It's not necessary to read this review from start to finish, nor
is it necessary to read the following book from start to finish.
If you know some topic, just skip it, but return to the review
for more background if you get lost in reading the later material.

And by the way, if you like the following book, you might want
to read an already published book on four-dimensional ontology
by the same author:


John Sowa

Source:  http://homepages.nyu.edu/~ts65/books/lfp/lfp.pdf

Logic for Philosophy

by Theodore Sider



1 Nature of Logic     1

2 Propositional Logic    18

3 Variations and Deviations from PL    52

4 Predicate Logic    71

5 Extensions of Predicate Logic    80

6 Propositional Modal Logic    103

7 Variations on MPL    172

8 Counterfactuals    190

9 Quantified Modal Logic    224

10 Two-dimensional modal logic    253

References    272

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Paola Di Maio
Networked Research Lab, UK


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