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Re: [ontolog-forum] [semweb-31] Linked Open Data Questions

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 12:08:33 -0400
Message-id: <4A9FEA01.5020202@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ravi sharma wrote:
> Cory and Dean
> Every URL is not necessarily an Information Link.    (01)

Every URL is a LINK to an Information Resource, so it is always an 
Information (data in context) link. Basically, a file hosted at the 
Address conveyed by the URL.    (02)

A generic HTTP URI isn't the same thing as a URL. It possesses a 
powerful Identity / Address (Access) duality that comes into play when 
you seek to Refer-to something (Identity) or Access its Description 
(Access via Address) in a representation of your choosing (typically via 
HTTP's content negotiation).    (03)

URI/URL or URL/URI is just another expression of the aforementioned 
functional duality.    (04)

> I hope some are just data links and some more have some semantic or 
> understanding related meaning. Are you folks on to something that 
> would designate the value of information content in the URL by 
> categorizing the Value-Metadata field or tag type associated with 
> URL/URI. The RDF types are not quite there yet?
> Thus the equations of relativity will, for example, have high value!
> Models of ORION spacecraft that have been space qualified - such as 
> "re-entry and safe landed spacecraft" info page rather than ICD / CDR 
> document URL only will have different value levels? Vanilla flavored 
> URI / URLs will only allow triples type searches but higher cognition 
> type value chains ought to also emerge?
> -- 
> Thanks.
> Ravi
> (Dr. Ravi Sharma)
> 313 204 1740 Mobile
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Cory Casanave <cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Hi Ralph,
>     Absolutely agree about IRs representing multiple
>     aspects/viewpoints of a TINW – I would be interested in your
>     definitions of aspect & viewpoint in this regard to see how we are
>     matching up.  To clarify, representation of the TINW is pure
>     identity – anything that is said about it is in an IR and the TINW
>     is the glue between them as they are aspects/viewpoints of the
>     same thing.  I will take a look at how your are approaching this
>     once it is on oeGOV.
>     As you may know we are also doing architectural integration and
>     conversions, I would be very interested in your OWL
>     interpretations of SySML and other languages.  Are you going to be
>     releasing that on oeGOV?   We are releasing an initial part
>      (Structural conversion of anything in XMI) as open source on
>     ModelDiven.org very soon.  In any case, collaborating on this may
>     make sense.
>     As for a model being a view for a purpose – we have to be carful
>     about that – the information we publish as models will and should
>     be used for all kinds of purposes that the publisher may not have
>     intended – this is part of the open and transparent government
>     idea.  I would say a model is a perspective on the world.  It is
>     up to a user of a model to decide if that perspective is valid for
>     their purpose.  The same is, of course, true of any data set. 
>     This makes it important for the perspective to be clearly specified.
>     -Cory
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx>
>     [mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx>] *On
>     Behalf Of *Ralph Hodgson
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:30 PM
>     *To:* semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx>
>     *Subject:* Re: [semweb-31] Linked Open Data Questions
>     Cory - Pitching in, but really with no time to do this. So brief I
>     will be.
>     Cory Casanave wrote:
>     Hi Dean,
>     Yes, skos:exactMatch is much more palatable.  However I wondering if it
>     may be a good idea to more formally recognize this difference between an
>     information resource and what the information resource is about (the
>     thing in the world).
>     When we want to understand there are different viewpoints and
>     authorities making statements about something then we start to want the
>     information to have its own identity and to be able to talk about that
>     information as different from the subject of the information. 
>     Any ontology work must recognize that there are different spaces
>     (call them Information Spaces - IS) in which meanings are shared.
>     In the case of an IR, in one IS it might have "about-hood" in
>     another space it may be "of-hood". What does this mean? The notion
>     of "thing-in-the-world" (TINW) should be carefully discerned when
>     we are talking IRs. 
>     I will use examples from System Engineering, SE, (not Software
>     Engineering - hard sometimes to agree "TINW" for that often). So
>     if I have an ORION vehicle (future APOLLO-like space vehicle) what
>     am I referring to - an instance of an ORION, a type of vehicle,
>     the "As-Designed", "As-Built", "As-Maintained" IRs? And what
>     Aspect and Viewpoint are we dealing with (notice I distinguish
>     "aspect" from "viewpoint").  IRs exist for different aspects of
>     the vehicle and different viewpoints, and an IR has "about-ness"
>     that represents a transference of concepts, properties and axioms
>     to a specific IS - the map of the Mall is not the Mall.
>     One further piece, an IR can also have an IRD - an Information
>     Resource Description - what an IR is. An example helps. Consider
>     an Interface Control Document (ICD) as an IR. There is a ICD
>     Description saying that an ICD has two or more system elements and
>     a set of constraints for the interfacing, etc.  Condensing 3
>     modeling styles into one sentence: this would be an owl:Class (or
>     sub-class of owl:Class if OWL-full is allowed) with sub-classes
>     (or owl:Classes) for different types of ICD (or instances if
>     expressing types as instances is acceptable practice ). A
>     particular ICD for a specific type of interfacing would reference
>     the ICD Description. Sometimes this is referred to as a
>     "class-instance" mirror (or metaclass-class mirror) pattern.
>     Where do we find SE models that make these distinctions? As you
>     may know, I have taken SysML and made OWL versions in SysMO. 
>     DoDAF 2.0 we have converted to OWL. NIEM also. All these offer
>     examples of IRs, IRDs and ISs. At NASA, NExIOM ontologies have
>     these distinctions because Enterprise Architecture meets Data
>     Architecture and System (think vehicle as as well as Information
>     System) Models.
>     For oeGov, we have a start on separating these concerns. If we are
>     to collaborate on this, as you well know, joint work needs a
>     common meta-level of how we want to express our cognitions about
>     "things" and "spaces". If we achieve that we progress at the model
>     level. Currently LOD is happening with "little-o" efforts - very
>     light ontologies. The pragmatists of LOD are doing quite well
>     without heavy models. So perhaps there is time to get "midsize-o"
>     work happening?
>      This gets
>     back to some of the reification issues we discussed long ago.
>     So if we wanted to say that <information resource> represents <identity>
>     we could have the option of combining or contrasting information
>     resources about the same identity.  The other way may be to say that
>     <information resource> skos:exactMatch <information resource>, but that
>     is a somewhat different semantic.
>     Meanings are affordances that happen when we are clear on how
>     cognitions in one space of viewing the world are applicable in
>     other (information) spaces. These  spaces constitute how we
>     organize our representations for putting distinctions to work - we
>     might think of this as "transference of meanings". Simply stated -
>     a model is a view for a purpose (how 'applicable' has meaning).
>     There is difficulty always in thinking about notions of the "real
>     world".
>     I just purchased you book and have not had a chance to read it yet -
>     perhaps it has all the answers!
>     It would seem to me that some consensus on such an approach for LOD
>     would be a good idea.  Thanks for the pointers.
>     -Cory
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx> 
>[mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
>     Dean Allemang
>     Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 5:42 PM
>     To: semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx>
>     Subject: Re: [semweb-31] Linked Open Data Questions
>     Cory Casanave wrote:
>>     We distinguish "information" resources from logical ones.
>     Informational resources are dereferenceable as a URL and have a set of
>     triples that are the facts about that informational resource from the
>     point of view of the publisher, who is the owner of that URL.
>     Informational resources have a triple (not yet sure if we want to commit
>     to sameas) that references the identity of the logical resource that is
>     the subject of that informational resource.  Logical URI is the identity
>     of the real world entity or concept, not information about that entity
>     or concept.  So the information has an identity that is connected to but
>     not the same as the underlying entity.
>     Just on the topic of commitment to owl:sameAs, an alternative (which is 
>     still a commitment, but perhaps more palatable in some contexts) is to 
>     commit to skos:exactMatch 
>     (http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/PR-skos-reference-20090615/#mapping).  I have
>     found this to be sensible in certain contexts where, for one reason or 
>     another, I am not quite willing to make the very strong logical 
>     commitment that owl:sameAs entails.
>     Dean
>     --
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>     This message was sent by Dean Allemang (dallemang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
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>     The Washington Semantic Web Meetup.
>     To learn more about Dean Allemang, visit his/her member profile:
>     http://semweb.meetup.com/31/members/8494388/
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>     Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to everyone on 
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>     This message was sent by Cory Casanave (cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
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>     -- 
>     Ralph Hodgson
>     CTO and Executive Partner, TopQuadrant, Inc., www.topquadrant.com 
><http://www.topquadrant.com/>, http://twitter.com/TopQuadrant
>     VA Office: (703) 299-9330, CA Office: (650) 265-0529, eFax: (425) 
>955-5469, Cell: (781) 789-1664
>     http://twitter.com/ralphtq
>     --
>     Please Note: If you hit "**REPLY**", your message will be sent to
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>     This message was sent by Ralph Hodgson (rhodgson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>     Web Meetup <http://semweb.meetup.com/31/>.
>     To learn more about Ralph Hodgson, visit his/her member profile
>     <http://semweb.meetup.com/31/members/5284457/>
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>     --
>     Please Note: If you hit "*REPLY*", your message will be sent to
>     *everyone* on this mailing list (semweb-31@xxxxxxxxxx
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>     This message was sent by Cory Casanave (cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>     <mailto:cory-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) from The Washington Semantic Web
>     Meetup <http://semweb.meetup.com/31/>.
>     To learn more about Cory Casanave, visit his/her member profile
>     <http://semweb.meetup.com/31/members/9543609/>
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--     (06)

Regards,    (07)

Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web: http://www.openlinksw.com    (08)

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