Kingsley, (01)
I'm happy that we can end this discussion on a note of agreement. (02)
KI>We are in agreement, my ire is really directed at the over hype coming
>from the Mapreduce and so called "No SQL" brigade :-)
>BTW - I wrote about the demise of RDBMS primacy a while back [1].
>1. - Why the RDBMS value pyramid downgrade is nigh! (03)
I would agree that the currently mainstream implementations
are long overdue for an overhaul, and I never liked SQL as a
notation for logic. (04)
Ted Codd didn't invent the SQL notation, and when he saw
Prolog, him immediate reaction was "I wish I had invented that." (05)
I also believe in the value of hybrid systems, and one of my
recent papers has the title "Two paradigms are better than
one, and multiple paradigms are even better": (06) (07)
John Sowa (08)
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