A pleasure.
I'm glad we were able to pull this off in such a (relatively) tight timeframe. (01)
Peter F Brown (02)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontolog-forum-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Yim
> Sent: lundi 20 juillet 2009 20:24
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: [ontolog-forum] Fwd: [announce] New SOA Standards white paper
> Fyi ...
> Kudos to the authors ...
> ... and to those in our community who were involved in the making of
> this wonderful work ... Congratulations!
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> --
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Carol Geyer <carol.geyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:06 AM
> Subject: [announce] New SOA Standards white paper
> To: announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Members of OASIS, OMG, and The Open Group announce the publication of
> a new white paper, "Navigating the SOA Open Standards Landscape Around
> Architecture." The paper was produced to help the SOA community at
> large navigate the myriad of overlapping technical products produced
> by these organizations with specific emphasis on the 'A' in SOA; i.e.,
> Architecture.
> This joint white paper explains and positions standards for SOA
> reference models, ontologies, reference architectures, maturity
> models, modeling languages, and governance. It outlines where the
> works are similar, highlights the strengths of each body of work, and
> touches on how the work can be used together in complementary ways. It
> is also meant as a guide to users of these specifications for
> selecting the technical products most appropriate for their needs,
> consistent with where they are today and where they plan to head on
> their SOA journeys.
> "We recognize the value of cooperative, inter-organizational SOA
> standards development," said Duane Nickull of Adobe, chair of the
> OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee. "The SOA paradigm is
> huge, and there is much work to be done. Coordination between groups
> ensures that related SOA standards will work together without
> unnecessary overlap, contradiction or redundancy."
> "This paper is an excellent start to reducing the confusion about SOA
> standards that there has been in the market place, by explaining the
> relative positions of the architecture-related SOA standards of OASIS,
> the OMG and The Open Group," said Dr. Chris Harding, Forum Director
> for SOA and Semantic Interoperability, The Open Group. It is the
> result of excellent and effective co-operation between the three
> bodies, which we hope and expect will continue."
> "SOA is strategic for enabling the agile creation and integration of
> business applications at IBM." said Jim Amsden of IBM, co-chair of the
> OMG Analysis and Design Task Force and co-chair of the OMG SoaML
> Finalization Task Force and one of the authors of the OMG SoaML
> standard. "Standards provide the foundation for interoperability and
> integration needed to achieve success with SOA. The positioning of
> these standards helps minimize fragmentation and confusion in the SOA
> market. This paper also provides a context in which to collaboratively
> evolve the standards leading to better supporting products and best
> practices. We encourage the continuing collaboration between OMG, the
> Open Group and OASIS to help achieve the SOA value proposition."
> The white paper, "Navigating the SOA Open Standards Landscape Around
> Architecture," is published on the web sites of all three
> organizations:
> OASIS - http://www.oasis-
> open.org/committees/download.php/33412/W096_09-07.pdf
> OMG - http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ad/2009-06-03
> The Open Group -
> http://www.opengroup.org/projects/soa/uploads/40/20044/W096.pdf
> --
> Carol Geyer, Director of Communications
> OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society
> http://www.oasis-open.org
> +1.978.667.5115 x209
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