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Re: [ontolog-forum] PDF and the semantic web

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:57:53 -0800
Message-id: <C5B9CD51.1CD27%dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
We have had 3D support since late 2002.   If you want to see some really radical PDF’s, check out this gallery:

As per #2, our document security is far beyond such tasks.  PDF enables multiple signatures, document certification, fidelity (hooked in to CRL’s), Dynamic Rights Management and more.


On 12/02/09 7:18 AM, "Sean Barker" <sean.barker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Two further points:
1) Last time I looked, new versions of PDF were planned to support 3D
geometry, and, in particular, they were planned to export STEP files (if you
buy a more expensive version of Acrobat Reader). That is, it is not pure
rendering for the human reader.

2) A question in the Long Term Data Retention community is, can we define
"key characteristcs" (AS/EN 9100 serries term) for a document, and therefore
validation criteria to assure that the document displayed corresponds to the
one written. The validation procedure would evaluate the document displayed,
and compare it with tags written with the original file to see if the
recovered and resulting document were the same. This technology is already
implemented for 3D shapes, but I'm hoping that someone in the
commercial/legal world will sort out documents.

On Feb 11, 2009 Pat Hays replied to -

On Feb 11, 2009, at 9:45 AM, Alexander Garcia Castro wrote:

> Sorry if this is not the right venue; I decided to send this email because
in the past I have seen some semantic web issues being discussed here.

I think one of the W3C mailing lists might be more suitable for this topic.
Try    semantic-web@xxxxxx

> I would like to know how applicable could the PDF format be within the
context of the Semantic web?

NOt very: the primary purpose of PDF is making visually accurate documents,
rather than semantic information.

> The PDF format is closed; annotating PDFs, as in tagging not the file but
the information within the file, is not possible by means different from
those provided by ADOBE. For instance, if I wanted to tag a word, or an
image within, inside, a PDF I would have to do it with my acrobat
reader -the latest version; But if I wanted to facilitate such operation via
WEB I could only do it if and only if I had the XSLT so I could transform
the PDF into XML.


> This limitation is, IMHO, a huge one within the context of the semantic
web where we should be able to define links and use them.

I don't quite see why you feel this is a SWeb problem.

> Furthermore, being forced to have a third party application just for
displaying a file that should be displayed directly by the browser is not a
nice feature.

That is an issue for browser implementations.

> If PDF was open it could be rendered by the browser.  Aren't closed
formats such as PDF viable within the context of the SW?

Im not sure what exactly you are asking here.

> After all the PDF was a solution within the context of portability and
exchange of information

... for human readers, yes. But not for software inference agents, which is
the point of the SWeb.

> ; the main problem it was solving was a simple one "I want my document to
look on display and once printed,  the same everywhere" and "I want people
to be able to read my documents without loosing the format of the document
and without having to consider the OS". Isn't the PDF obsolete within this

What context? PDF seems to work well for its intended purpose. (?? Maybe I
havnt understood your point.)

Seriously, I suggest re-sending your message to the semantic-web@xxxxxx
mailing list.

Pat Hayes

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Duane Nickull, Vancouver, BC Canada
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