Mike Uschold wrote: (01)
> Currently there is no accepted practice on how/whether to migrate to
> new URIs when a new version of an ontology is published. This is
> largely due to the fact that there is no good technology for managing
> versioning, and the W3C consciously (and probably sensibly) decided
> not to address the issue. Versioning information is meant to be
> placed on a version annotation.
> However the current situation is like the wild West, and everyone will
> be doing different things, resulting in a mess.
> Wordnet ...
> This is a problem because they have no guidelines, they are basically
> stumbling along in the dark.
> I believe that this is an urgent matter that needs attention to
> prevent a nightmare from unfolding. (02)
> However, when usage of ontologies and ontology-driven applications
> becomes more mainstream, the differences could be profound. Given that
> this issue is intimately tied up with versioning, and that we have no
> good solutions yet, do we continue to throw our hands up and punt?
> Absolutely not, it is essential that a good precedent is set ASAP that
> is based on sound principles. (03)
I fully agree. (04)
> Here is how.
> ...
> Thus, any ontology versioning system of the future will rely on these
> two principles: (05)
> 1. If the semantics of a term changes, then it needs to have a new unique ID. (06)
Yes. Being very careful, this means that *any change* in a formal
definition must cause the creation of a new ID -- the meaning of the
term, as used by inference engines -- has changed. (07)
A change to an "informal" definition, however, is a bit more in the eye
of the beholder. Changes that are intended/perceived as purely
editorial, or clarification of intent, may not warrant changing the ID
and confusing existing users. OTOH, as text analyzers continue to get
smarter, it can be argued that no "informal" definition is only for
consumption by humans, and therefore it is not "informal" anymore. (08)
> 2. If the semantics of a term does NOT change, then it should maintain
> the same ID in any future versions. (09)
The simple fact is that it is not possible to guarantee this, because it
is not clear how and when to apply this rule. (010)
Because W3C deliberately (or accidentally and stupidly, take your pick)
confused the concepts of location and identification, there is a
relationship between URIs and the URLs that occur in them. And this
creates a versioning interaction between the version of the resource and
the versions of the terms it defines. (011)
The semantics of a term changes when the semantics of terms used in its
definition changes. One can argue, therefore, that a change to the
resource may (transitively) affect the semantics of many terms
introduced in it. (012)
So a tool is faced with two problems: (013)
A. When a new version of the resource is created, do we change the
URL? And what happens to the URIs inside it? (014)
If we don't change the URL, then the old URIs will automatically
associate to the new resource. If we change a contained term and its
URI, then we undefine the old URI altogether, unless we retain both in
the new resource. If we change a contained term and don't change its
URI, we violate Michael's rule (1), and create unpredictable reasoning
behaviors among our clients. So this does not seem to be a viable option. (015)
If we do change the URL, then none of the old URIs will associate to the
new resource. If we change all the URIs to match the new resource URL
(which is the default behavior of some current tools), other ontologies
that contain references to the old URIs won't work with the new version
at all, regardless of the semantics. We have to create the "synonym"
(OWL:sameas) declarations for the terms that haven't actually changed.
If we change the URIs only for terms that have changed (following Mike's
rules), all appears to be well, but the new resource is implicitly
dependent on the old one, because many of its URIs point to the old
resource. This becomes unwieldy over time, but it seems to be the
required behavior. (016)
B. How do we know when a term has "changed"? (017)
Tools can track which concepts were edited, and selectively change the
id=URIs for those concepts. But since that change may affect the
semantics of any term that references it, it seems that every term in
which that URI is used must also have its URI changed. And, with
respect to Mike's rule 2, it is not clear that that is always correct
practice. (018)
For example, if the change to a term broadens the classification, and
another term is defined to be an intersection that involves that term,
does the semantics of the intersection change? Has anything been added
to the extension of the term that could now occur in the intersection?
That determination may require some interesting reasoning. (019)
And in the same way, when another ontology that imports terms from this
resource is modified to use the new URI, because that correctly
represents the intent, does that require a version change to all the
terms in that ontology that use the new URI or that use terms that use
the new URI? (020)
This is just the problem of the confusion introduced by the change -- it
propagates to the resource in which the change occurs as well as the
resources that use it. Each occurrence must now be judged on its own
merits -- no practice is always right. (021)
> If either of these two guidelines are broken, then so will the
> ontology-driven applications of the future. (022)
Perhaps. But they will be broken. And that will happen because of
practices, and because of the complexity of the reasoning required to
avoid violation. (023)
> These maxims hold without exception for any standards that are
> formally released as standards. (024)
By W3C, by OASIS, by OMG, by ISO, by UN/CEFACT, by HL7, by WHO, ...?
The best you can hope for is that any one body will police its own. But
they will use the work of others. (025)
I think we must accept the idea that synonymies will be a critical part
of web-based reasoning, in any case. (There is no single source of
knowledge, and there will be no single appointed source, no matter what
registry police we create.) We have to be able to say, a posteriori,
that term A1 in ontology A is semantically identical to term B2 in
ontology B, and reasoning tools have to expect to see such things and
use them. And we should not be surprised to find it necessary to write
that term B2v2 in ontology Bv2 is the same as term B2 in ontology B, for
the reasons above. (026)
> Another question is what to do if the original standard is believed to
> be incorrect, and the new one is the fixed one. Can one then keep the
> same URI?
> Again, the answer should be informed by the impact on applications.
> The same problems will occur if you change the semantics and keep the
> same URI even if you are fixing a mistake. The URI with the wrong
> semantics must keep its original unique ID. (027)
I agree. As Wikipedia demonstrates, "believed to be incorrect" is
sometimes a subjective thing. (028)
-Ed (029)
"Inheritance and versioning interact in weird and wonderful ways.
Unfortunately, I can't find anything like sensible semantics for any
of them."
-- Michi Henning (030)
Edward J. Barkmeyer Email: edbark@xxxxxxxx
National Institute of Standards & Technology
Manufacturing Systems Integration Division
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8263 Tel: +1 301-975-3528
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8263 FAX: +1 301-975-4694 (031)
"The opinions expressed above do not reflect consensus of NIST,
and have not been reviewed by any Government authority." (032)
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