[Apologies for multiple copies.] (01)
**** The 5th International Conference
**** on Formal Ontology in Information Systems
**** http://fois08.dfki.de
**** October 31st - November 3rd, 2008
**** Saarbrücken, Germany
**** DFKI, Competence Center Semantic Web
**** http://semanticweb.dfki.de/
**** Co-located with ISWC 2008, Karlsruhe Germany (October 26th - 30th,
**** (http://iswc2008.semanticweb.org/) (02)
Conference Description
Since its inception ten years ago, the International Conference on
Formal Ontology in Information Systems has explored the multiple
perspectives on the notion of ontology that have arisen from such
diverse research communities as philosophy, logic, computer science,
cognitive science, linguistics, and various scientific domains. (03)
As ontologies have been applied in new and exciting domains such as the
World Wide Web, bioinformatics, and geographical information systems,
it has become evident that there is a need for ontologies that have
been developed with solid theoretical foundations based on
philosophical, linguistic, and logical analysis. Similarly, there is
also a need for theoretical research that is driven by the issues that
have been raised by recent work in the more applied domains. (04)
FOIS is intended to be a forum in which to explore this interplay
between the theoretical insights of formal ontology and their
application to information systems and emerging semantic technologies. (05)
Invited Speakers
* Johanna Seibt (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark)
* Mike Uschold (Reinvent Technology, Vancouver, B.C., previously
Boeing Corporation, USA)
* York Sure (SAP Research, Germany) (06)
* Tutorial 1: Nicola Guarino - Ontologies and Ontological Analysis:
An Introduction
* Tutorial 2: Ludger van Elst & Michael Sintek - Ontologies and the
Semantic Web: Building Blocks and Challenges (07)
Important Dates and Further Information
* Early registration ends: September 1st, 2008
* Student Poster Submissions: August 31, 2008
* Conference: October 31st - November 3rd, 2008 (08)
* Visit http://fois08.dfki.de for further details and registration (09)
Registration Fees
* Students: early: EUR 50; late: EUR 60; on-site: EUR 85
* Academia: early: EUR 200; late: EUR 250; on-site: EUR 300
* Industry / Corporate: early: EUR 300; late: EUR 350; on-site: EUR 400 (010)
Conference Chair
* Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Program Chairs
* Carola Eschenbach (University of Hamburg, Germany)
* Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto, Canada)
Local Organization: DFKI - Competence Center Semantic Web
* Paul Buitelaar (DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany)
* Massimo Romanelli (DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany)
* Michael Sintek (DFKI GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany) (011)
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