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Re: [ontolog-forum] (OT) German

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ivan Herman <ivan@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:03:19 +0100
Message-id: <4789E1E7.4030005@xxxxxx>

John F. Sowa wrote:
> In Europe, the non-Indo-European languages include two members
> of the Finno-Ugric group (Finnish and Hungarian)     (01)

To be precise: Estonian is the third national Finno-Ugric language in 
Europe. Though pretty close to Finnish, they do not understand one 
another, it is a different language (except that, during the Soviet era, 
lost of Estonian watched Finnish TV that came from just across the bay, 
so they learnt quite a lot of it).    (02)

Ivan    (03)

P.S. As far as I know, there are still some smaller areas in the Ural 
mountain where other Finno-Ugric dialects are spoken.    (04)

>                                                   and Basque,
> which has no known relationship to any other language.  Turkish
> is a member of the Uralic group, which includes many languages
> in central Asia.
> For some links to other resources, see
>     http://web.uvic.ca/geru/471/protoindoeuropean.htm
>     Proto-Indo-European links
> One of them is a discussion by the linguist Geoffrey Sampson,
> who included a translation of a Sanskrit story to a hypothetical
> version of PIE.  (Copy below)
> John Sowa
> _________________________________________________________________
> Source:  http://www.grsampson.net/Q_PIE.html
> English translation of the Sanskrit:
>      Once there was a king. He was childless. The king wanted a son.
>      He asked his priest: “May a son be born to me!”
>      The priest said to the king: “Pray to the god Varuna”.
>      The king approached the god Varuna to pray now to the god.
>      “Hear me, father Varuna!”
>      The god Varuna came down from heaven.
>      “What do you want?” “I want a son.”
>      “Let this be so”, said the bright god Varuna.
>      The king’s lady bore a son.
> Hypothetical PIE translation:
>      To réecs éhest. So nputlos éhest. So réecs súhnum éwelt.
>      Só tóso cceutérm prcscet: “Súhnus moi jnhyotaam!”
>      So cceutéer tom réejm éweuqet: “Ihgeswo deiwóm Wérunom”.
>      So réecs deiwóm Werunom húpo-sesore nu deiwóm ihgeto.
>      “Cluttí moi, phter Werune!”
>      Deiwós Wérunos kmta diwós égweht.
>      “Qíd welsi?” “Wélmi súhnum.”
>      “Tód héstu”, wéuqet loukós deiwos Werunos.
>      Reejós pótnih súhnum gegonhe.
> Note the word 'réecs', which is related to the Latin 'rex' and
> the Indian 'rajah'.  The verb 'éhest' has a past tense marker
> in front and the ending -t for third-person singular.  Other
> similarities are left as an exercise for the reader.
> John Sowa
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>      (05)

--     (06)

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
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