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Re: [ontolog-forum] "Weird disconnects" around HTTP & RDF (was: predicat

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 16:44:24 +0700
Message-id: <c09b00eb0801050144u5dfe3702j64fbbdc274d2a616@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks a lot for sharing. I am interested in understanding more    (01)

I think the 'follow your nose' behaviour is that what we call
intuitive navigation.
there are a few things that i'd like  to discuss, and I ll follow up
with a separate mail    (02)

today I am bugged with the following question    (03)

- if in a linked data model, data resides in their native RDBs, and it
is wrapped around
RDF, which can be queried via SPARQL (sparql question fired on the other list)    (04)

- when the data in the RDB is changed/updated, what happens to the RDF
graph? does it have to be updated manually? is there a way to induce
automatically corresponding changes into RDF
representations?    (05)

PDM    (06)

On Jan 4, 2008 5:20 PM, Danny Ayers <danny.ayers@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 04/01/2008, paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > . I believe the RDF MT is consistent
> > > with this view of WebArch, at least if it isn't I've not noticed any
> > > undesirable side effects. (Ok, there seem to be some weird
> > > disconnects, but no obvious contradictions).
> >
> > 'some weird disconnects' sound rather serious reliability issue when
> > we are building
> > the network of networks . worth investigating?
> One thing in particular I had in mind there was the difference between
> a link in a HTML doc on the Web, and a predicate in an RDF doc on the
> Web. The first will be directly connected to HTTP, allowing the end
> user to follow the link in their browser. The latter may not be.
> Ok, it would be reasonable to say that in both cases you've just got
> declarative semantics, the "active" part of the system is all down to
> the user interface tool. But  it seems to me that the success of the
> Web has been intimately tied not just to the HTML and HTTP specs, but
> to browser behaviour as well.
> With RDF on the Web, while user agents might enable follow-your-nose
> behaviour, it doesn't seem so intuitive how that should operate
> compared with hypertext documents. Almost certainly a "one size fits
> all approach", like that which has emerged for HTML+HTTP, will be
> inadequate given the countless ways in which data can be interacted
> with.
> A big complication is the difference between following-your-nose to
> (representations of) the linked resource itself, and to information
> about the resource. The first is especially problematic when the
> resource is, say. a real world object (the TAG httpRange-14 issue).
> Despite this, there's a lot of useful work being done around the
> Linking Open Data project, hooking together distinct data sets through
> both HTTP and RDF (well, usually owl:sameAs).
> Personally I suspect the way forward on this is to avoid the regular
> kind of definition of user agent as used around browser etc. Rather
> than the agent acting on behalf of the user, I'd suggest flipping it
> over so it's the agent acting as if it were a user itself - i.e. an
> autonomous entity. I don't think it's necessary for the agent to have
> beliefs, desires and intentions or whatever, simply enough distance
> from the human that we're not locked into thinking the ultimate
> purpose is to have a static view of data projected onto our screen.
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> --
> http://dannyayers.com
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Paola Di Maio
School of IT
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