I was thinking that it would be nice to attend as well. Later in the
month is WWW2008, for example.
-Alan (01)
On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:21 PM, kendall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: (02)
> On Friday, December 21, 2007 11:35am, ontolog-forum-
> request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said:
>> As we have for the past two years, we are planning on holding a
>> face-to-face
>> meeting of the ontology community at NIST in the spring of 2008.
>> We are ironing
>> out some logistic details, but it is looking like a likely date is
>> late April.
> It is a near certainty that the 2008 OWLED Workshop will be held in
> Gaithersburg, followed by a 2 day W3C OWL WG F2F meeting, at the
> same location -- both at the Gaithersburg Holiday Inn. Basically 1
> to 4 April, a bunch of OWL experts, fans, and stakeholders will be
> in the NIST vicinity.
> I think it's unfortunate if the Ontology Summit doesn't overlap or
> at least be temporally proximate to these OWL events, such that
> many people may attend both.
> Cheers,
> Kendall Clark
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