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Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology extraction tool

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Schiffel, Jeffrey A" <jeffrey.a.schiffel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 16:37:42 -0500
Message-id: <ECF42862FCA16D41BFA98F8C45F09554FCF058@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
The best you can get is a tool that allows extraction and ranking of
concepts. Then you are on your own to produce an ontology.    (01)

Extraction and ranking can be done with any concordancer. A typical one
(and cheap) is Concordance, at http://www.concordancesoftware.co.uk/.
There are others, including some shareware (I haven't looked at
shareware lately). If you use a concordancer, make sure it also has
provision for collocated words. Collocations can yield interesting
phrases, and also help put an important word in context. Some
concordancers take several kinds of textual inputs, others require
pre-conversion into a simple text file (e.g., .txt).    (02)

There are a handful of Bayesian tools also. They take the hand analysis
of a concordance a step further, by automating collections of terms into
groups determined by semantic distance. One such is Leximancer,
http://www.leximancer.com/cms/, that is not especially pricy for a big
firm, but not cheap for a small enterprise or independent researcher.
Others are available.    (03)

None of these build ontologies, just get you started.    (04)

Jeffrey Schiffel   (316) 393-0497  M/C K81-77
The Boeing Company - IDS Wichita
System of Systems Engineering
--------------------------------------------------------    (05)

-----Original Message-----
From: Arsic, Antoinette [mailto:aarsic@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3:21 PM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Ontology extraction tool    (06)

A fellow MITRErite was asking the following, and I thought this group
was the best you can get to ask:    (07)

(I'm) looking for an automated ontology extraction tool that can be used
against unstructured data (softcopy text documents in MS Word, EXCEL or
PDF formats) and structured data.  Is anyone aware of such a tool(s)?    (08)

Antoinette Arsic
The MITRE Corporation
703-983-5286 (office)
443-567-2703 (cell)    (09)

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