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[ontolog-forum] ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL) v

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Breininger, Kathryn R" <kathryn.r.breininger@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Asuman Dogac" <asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Gokce Banu Laleci" <banu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 16:23:40 -0700
Message-id: <451C597C.6060906@xxxxxxxx>
Congratulations, Kathryn, Asuman, Banu, and all who contributed 
to the work!    (01)

At our conference call today, we were just talking about the 
development of registries of standards and next generation 
ontology-based standards as being priorities in future 
developments (ref: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_09_28#nidQFB)    (02)

... Please accept our appreciations on taking the lead to produce 
this work. I'm sure there are quite a few of us from the 
(Ontolog) community will be looking forward to reading your work 
when you publish it for open access and review -- do let us know 
when a link to it is available.    (03)

The cover of this work reads:
OASIS    (04)

ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL)
Version 1.5
Draft OASIS Profile, July 04, 2006
Document identifier: regrep-owl-profile-1.5-July4    (05)

http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/regrep-semantic/documents/profile/regrep-owl-profile-1.5.pdf    (06)

Authors:  (Name, Affiliation)
   Asuman Dogac,  Middle East Technical University,
     Software R&D Center, Turkey
   Yildiray Kabak,  Middle East Technical University,
     Software R&D Center, Turkey
   Gokce B. Laleci,  Middle East Technical University,
     Software R&D Center, Turkey    (07)

Contributors:  (Name, Affiliation)
   Farrukh Najmi,  Sun Micro Systems, USA
   Carl Mattocks,  ITIL Application Knowledge
     Management, USA
   Jeff Pollock,  Network Inference, USA
   Evan Wallace,  NIST, USA
   Dave RR Webber,  XML Consultant, USA
   Nikola Stojanovic,  RosettaNet
   Ivan Bedini,  France Telecom, France    (08)

This document defines the ebXML Registry profile for publishing, 
management, discovery and reuse of OWL Lite Ontologies.
//    (09)

Best regards.  =ppy    (010)

Peter P. Yim
Co-convener, ONTOLOG
--    (011)

Subject: [regrep] Results of Ballot
From: "Breininger, Kathryn R" <kathryn.r.breininger@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:26:04 -0700
To: "Gokce Banu Laleci" <banu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ebXML Regrep" 
<regrep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Asuman Dogac" 
<asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    (012)

Hi all,
The latest Ballot for the Profile for Web Ontology as a Committee 
Draft has closed.  It passed  with a full majority vote. 
Congratulations everyone!  We have an approved Committee Draft!    (013)

Kathryn    (014)

Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services    (015)

425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax
kathryn.r.breininger@xxxxxxxxxx    (016)
--- Begin Message ---
To: "Gokce Banu Laleci" <banu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ebXML Regrep" <regrep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Asuman Dogac" <asuman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Breininger, Kathryn R" <kathryn.r.breininger@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:26:04 -0700
Message-id: <4CA074FFE64C114B9DEC89701310DCF20338A3A7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all,
The latest Ballot for the Profile for Web Ontology as a Committee Draft
has closed.  It passed  with a full majority vote.  Congratulations
everyone!  We have an approved Committee Draft!      (01)

Kathryn    (02)

Kathryn Breininger
CENTRAL Project Manager
Emerging Technologies
Boeing Library Services    (03)

425-965-0182 phone
425-237-3491 fax
kathryn.r.breininger@xxxxxxxxxx    (04)

> How was your service? Please click link below.......
> http://socal.web.boeing.com/ssglibsurvey/
>     (05)

--- End Message ---

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To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (01)

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  • [ontolog-forum] ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL) v1.5 - Committee Draft adopted [Fwd: [regrep] Results of Ballot], Peter P. Yim <=