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[ontolog-forum] Special Meeting of the Best Practices Committee, Septemb

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Niemann.Brand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:11:22 -0400
Message-id: <OFBF73B85D.EA79E340-ON852571E1.004873E4-852571E1.004873F3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Theme: Networking EA and the Best Practices Committee CoPs


Wiki Page: http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticesCommittee/PublicMeeting_2006_09_13


Print Version of the Agenda: http://colab.cim3.net/file/work/BPC/2006-09-13/BPC09132006.doc


Hear how the Best Practices Committee relates to the other two CIO Council Committees (Architecture & Infrastructure and IT Workforce Training), how we are proposing to address Goal 2: Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to our stakeholders, and discuss three critical issues: (1) Doing both EA and KM, (2) Coordination / Interoperability of Collaboration Tools, and (3) Joint Events.


Brand Niemann

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  • [ontolog-forum] Special Meeting of the Best Practices Committee, September 13th, Reagan International Trade Center (Federal Triangle Metro Station), 1-2:30 p.m., Atrium Ballroom B (FREE AND NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED), Niemann . Brand <=