We had a great crowd at Mr. Adam Cheyer's presentation today.
Adam gave us an eye opening talk on "Ontology Management in CALO,
a Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes." Adam, a Program
Director at SRI International, introduced us to one of the most
ambitious AI projects around, and provided some insight into the
ontology management challenges and solutions their team has
attempted on a huge project such as theirs. (01)
Our appreciation goes out to our invited speaker, Mr. Adam Cheyer
for sharing with us his experience and insights. I would also
like to thank Dr. Douglas Engelbart for introducing our speaker
at the beginning of the session. And, as always, thanks to all
the participants who joined us today. (02)
Proceedings of today's session are captured at our wiki page, at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_04 (03)
In particular, full audio recording of the session is now
available too - see:
Mr. Cheyer's input today adds yet another important piece to the
collective intelligence and body of knowledge that our community
is building. (04)
Best regards. =ppy (05)
P.S. Please note that we have another great invited speaker
session lined up for next week: (06)
Thursday, May 11, 2006 - Dr. David Ferrucci from IBM Research
will be presenting to the community on his talk entitled:
"Putting the Semantics in the Semantic Web: An overview of UIMA
and its role in Accelerating the Semantic Revolution" "Ontology
Management in CALO, a Cognitive Assistant that Learns and
Organizes" ... Please refer to details at:
and RSVP to <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline to register for the
session. =ppy
-- (07)
Peter P. Yim wrote Tue, 02 May 2006 16:45:47 -0700:
> Adam Cheyer's invited talk on "Ontology Management in CALO, a Cognitive
> Assistant that Learns and Organizes" is coming up this Thursday. I've
> personally been looking forward to this for more than 2 years now ...
> and its finally here. Register now (by e-mailing me offline), if you are
> planning to attend and haven't already done so.
> I look forward to having you at the session. ... you don't want to miss
> this!
> Regards. =ppy (08)
Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:45:01 -0700:
> We are pleased to announce that Mr. Adam Cheyer, a Program
Director in SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center, will be
presenting a talk at the Ontolog Forum entitled: "Ontology
Management in CALO, a Cognitive Assistant that Learns and
Organizes" on Thursday May 4, 2006.
> This is the 4th event in our series of talks and discussions
that revolve around the topic: "Ontologizing the Ontolog Body of
Knowledge" during which this community will explore the "what's"
and "how's" to the development of a semantically interoperable
application, using the improved access to the content of Ontolog
as a case in point.
> (09)
> *Conference call-in details*:
> Date: Thursday, May 4, 2006
> Start Time: 10:30 AM PDT / 1:30 PM EDT / 17:30 UTC
> (World Time:
> Session Duration: ~2 Hours
> Dial-in Number: +1-641-696-6600 (Iowa)
> Participant Access Code: "686564#"
> Shared-screen support will be available
> (010)
> Topic: *Ontology Management in CALO, a Cognitive Assistant
that Learns and Organizes*
> (011)
> *Abstract*: (by Adam Cheyer)
> CALO is one of DARPA's most ambitious efforts to develop a
persistent assistant that lives with, learns from, and supports
users in managing the complexities of their daily work lives. A
multi-year project that unites some 200+ researchers from 25
academic and commercial organizations, the goal is to produce a
single system where learning happens "in vivo", inside an
ever-evolving agent that can observe, comprehend, reason,
anticipate, act, and communicate.
> In this talk, we will first provide an overview of CALO: the
what, the how, the why. Next, we will discuss the engineering
methods we use to develop and maintain the ontology of CALO. CALO
has some unusual requirements, such as "Concept Learning" where
the ontology is extended and modified "in-the-wild" by machine
learning algorithms. Finally, we will demonstrate IRIS, a
semantic desktop that serves as the office environment that
integrates best with CALO. IRIS leverages many of CALO's
techniques to ontology management, and being open source,
provides a distributable, transparent example of the approach.
> (012)
> *About the Speakers*:
> *Mr. Adam Cheyer* is currently a Program Director in SRI's
Artificial Intelligence Center, where he serves as Chief
Architect of the CALO/PAL project, an ambitious effort to create
a next-generation personal cognitive assistant. Previously, Mr.
Cheyer was VP of Engineering at Dejima, a provider of natural
interaction technology for mobile applications, and before that,
VP of Engineering at Verticalnet, an enterprise software
provider. As Senior Scientist and Co-Director of the Computer
Human Interaction Center (CHIC) at SRI International, Mr. Cheyer
led a multidisciplinary team of researchers exploring web
services, distributed knowledge, and pervasive computing.
> (013)
> *Refer to details on the session wiki page at*:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_04
> This will be a virtual session over an augmented conference
call. The session is expected to start with a 45 min. ~ 1 Hour
presentation followed by an extended discussion between the
participants and the speaker. The entire session will be recorded
and made available as open content under the prevailing Ontolog
IPR policy (see:
> As usual, this Ontolog event is open to all. I look forward to
having you at this session. Please pass the announcement along to
those who might be interested to join us too. (014)
> *RSVP* by by emailing me at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline.
> Regards. =ppy
> Peter P. Yim
> Co-convener, Ontolog
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