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Re: [ontolog-forum] Feedback on ebXML Core Component Technical Specific

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Kurt Conrad <conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 22:14:50 -0800
Message-id: <41F340DA.9080604@xxxxxxxx>
Great job, Kurt and all who have contributed to making this response happen!    (01)

We shall look forward to a positive response from the CCTS people, and 
to collborating with them in the not-too-distant future.    (02)

Cheers.  -ppy
--    (03)

Kurt Conrad wrote Sat, 22 Jan 2005 03:03:11 -0800:
> Mark,
> This comprises the Ontolog Community of Practice's response to your Call 
> for Participation and Comments on version 2.01 of the Core Component 
> Technical Specification (CCTS).
> Based on work, to date, including an exploratory project to develop a 
> formal ontological representation of the Core Component Types, we submit 
> the following candidate requirement:
>         Version 3.0 should include an informative ontology that 
> formalizes key Core Component concepts.
> The participation of UN/CEFACT members in Ontolog has been critical to 
> our progress, and we look forward to continuing our working relationship 
> with the UN/CEFACT Core Components Committee to move forward on our 
> shared objectives. Perhaps we could set up a more formal liaison 
> relationship between Ontolog and the Core Components Committee, one that 
> goes beyond our currently overlapping memberships. A joint working group 
> may now be in order.
> In any event, we welcome any opportunity to schedule discussions to 
> explore our overlapping interests, opportunities, and priorities.
> Included are the following backup documents:
>     CCTS_v2-01_Memo.pdf
>         A copy of this memo.
>         This memo is also available at 
>     CCT_Rep_Report_2005-01.pdf
>         A report describing the analysis process and results from our
>         Core Component Type Ontology ("CCT Representation") project.
>         This report is also available at
>     EIDX-20041201-AP-PY.ppt
>         An presentation introducing our approach and the
>         CCT-Representation project, which was developed for the Semantic
>         Harmonization panel at the recent EIDX workshop
>         (http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_12_01).
>         This presentation is also available at
>     EIDX-20041201-KC-GN-RS.pdf
>         A Case for the Ontological Expression of E-Business Standards.
>         This paper is also available at
> For Ontolog,
> /s/ kwc 2005.01.21 23:30
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Kurt Conrad
> 2994 Salem Dr.
> Santa Clara, CA 95051-5502
> (408) 247-0454
> mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> www.SagebrushGroup.com <http://www.sagebrushgroup.com/>
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