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[ontolog-forum] [Fwd: [egov] News: "IDA Releases European Interoperabili

To: Chiusano Joseph <chiusano_joseph@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice <sicop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Robin Cover <robin@xxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 16:39:13 -0800
Message-id: <41B4FBB1.5080006@xxxxxxxx>
Thanks for sharing this, Joe.
of course, thanks to Robin for putting this on your site for us all.
--    (01)

1. Our [sicop-forum] and [ontolog-forum] might be interested in what 
they had to say about semantic interoperability.    (02)

<quote>    (03)

Semantic Interoperability    (04)

    EIF Recommendations 7-9 concern "semantic interoperability" and 
highlight the special role of XML vocabularies based upon data dictionaries:    (05)

    "To move from simply presenting information to where computer 
programmes can exchange it, combine it with other information resources 
and subsequently process it in a meaningful manner, requires agreement 
on a wide variety of issues that relate to the context within which the 
information is created and used. This is the subject of semantic 
interoperability. It entails agreement on, for example, ways to 
discover, represent and give a context to information. This will allow 
automated tools to share and process information, even when they have 
been designed independently. The objective is not only to allow 
information resources to be linked up but also to allow information to 
be automatically understandable, and, consequently, reusable by computer 
applications that were not involved in its creation.    (06)

    In the context of the 2005 target of eGovernment services, semantic 
interoperability concerns the need to agree on common definitions and 
understanding for the pieces of data that will need to be exchanged on a 
pan-European level.    (07)

    Solving semantic interoperability is an activity to be done at the 
sectoral level, i.e., within a specific eGovernment service, taking into 
account the life event or business episode it serves. However, it is 
most likely that a common set of data items (the core eGovernment data 
elements such as basic national identifiers of enterprises, citizens and 
administrations) may need to be identified at a pan-European level. This 
will require the implementation of organizational as well as technical 
infrastructures...    (08)

    An essential requirement for the exchange of information is a single 
language that enables the description of the meaning and structure of 
the underlying data, i.e. a markup language. In the context of current 
technologies and market developments this markup language is XML. 
However, XML does not, and cannot by itself, guarantee or deliver 
semantic interoperability. This is achieved through initiatives to 
develop common semantics on the basis of XML; the subsequent 
introduction of XML schemas and related artefacts (e.g., metadata, 
ontologies, etc.) then make it possible to integrate services that were 
developed with different vocabularies and with different perspectives on 
the data..."    (09)

</quote>    (010)

2. Unfortunately, their recommendations fall short of giving ontological 
engineering specific strategies or approaches.    (011)

<quote>    (012)

Summary of European Interoperability Framework Recommendations    (013)

...[snip]...    (014)

    *   Recommendation 7 (semantic): For each eGovernment service 
considered at a pan-European level, the data elements to be exchanged 
should be made interoperable by requiring
          o The responsible administrations to publish information on 
the corresponding data elements involved at national level.
          o The responsible administrations to draft proposals for and 
agree on the data and the related data dictionaries required at 
pan-European level. This work should be performed on the basis of core 
eGovernment data elements common to all pan-European eGovernment 
services. The sector-specific eGovernment data elements should then be 
defined and agreed upon.
          o The responsible administrations to draft proposals for and 
agree on multilateral mapping tables between the various national and 
pan-European data elements.    (015)

    *   Recommendation 8 (semantic): When considering semantic 
interoperability, due account should be taken of linguistic traces of 
the specific legal vocabularies used in delivering services. In the 
European Union's legal and social framework, there is a presumption of 
linguistic equivalence in directives and regulations that are approved 
as part of the legislative process. This implies that vocabulary used in 
European law subsequently finds itself used in the delivery of 
eGovernment services on the national level. This may require 
pan-European harmonization.    (016)

    *   Recommendation 9 (semantic): Initiatives at pan-European level 
to develop common semantics on the basis of XML should be performed in a 
coordinated way and should consider cooperation with the existing 
standardisation bodies. In particular, the XML vocabularies should be 
developed whilst taking into account the agreed core/specific 
eGovernment data elements. Specific European schemas and definitions 
should be made available to all pan-European stakeholders through common 
infrastructures.    (017)

...[snip]...    (018)

</quote>    (019)

3. Lastly, it is encouraging to note that open standards (and other 
important "open" aspects) looms big in the whole document (as evident by 
citations of Stallman, the "Open Standards and Libre Software in 
Government", GPL, Torvalds, .... etc.)    (020)

Regards.  -ppy
--    (021)
--- Begin Message ---
To: "OASIS eGov list" <egov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Chiusano Joseph" <chiusano_joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 17:36:15 -0500
Message-id: <74B14CBC0FEB9D4EB16969F09FA51F4507CD5C@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Just announced, and directly applicable to our mission: IDA Releases European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European E-Government Services[1]. Actual document is at [2].
- The European Commission's Interchange of Data Between Administrations (IDA) released a Final Version 1.0 of its European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European E-Government Services, approved by the Telematics Between Administrations Committee (TAC) Steering Committee. Publication of the EIF document follows a ten-month period of review and feedback by Members States, industry representatives, and stakeholders within the institutions.
- The European Interoperability Framework document "provides recommendations and defines generic standards with regard to organizational, semantic, and technical aspects of interoperability, offering a comprehensive set of principles for European cooperation in eGovernment.
-  The European Interoperability Framework "supports the European Union's strategy of providing user-centred eGovernment services by facilitating, at a pan-European level, the interoperability of services and systems between public administrations, as well as between administrations and the public (citizens, businesses). It is an action of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan, under the eGovernment heading."
- The EIF document considers "interoperability" in three dimensions, and -categorizes the seventeen Recommendations according to this taxonomy: organizational interoperability, semantic interoperability, and technical interoperability.
Kind Regards,
Joseph Chiusano
Booz Allen Hamilton
Strategy and Technology Consultants to the World

--- End Message ---
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