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Re: [ontolog-forum] EIDX "Semantic Harmonization" panel session - Dec.

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Kim Rogers <krogers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Jon Bosak <Jon.Bosak@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ian Henzel <IHenzel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 15:46:57 -0800
Message-id: <41B39DF1.6000108@xxxxxxxx>
Just writing to inform those who may be interested,  ... I've done a 
little bit of post processing on the audio file (enhanced the quality a 
little, compacted it more, and split them into separate files for each 
of the sessions), and have posted them to our site.    (01)

With that, the archives (slides and audio) to each of the four sessions 
is now accessible individually online.
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_12_01#nid015    (02)

Regards.  -ppy
--    (03)

Peter P. Yim wrote Thu, 02 Dec 2004 01:11:02 -0800:    (04)

> We had a great session at the EIDX "Semantic Harmonization" panel that 
> was chaired by Jon Bosak..
> All the presentations made at the session, are now available from the 
> session wiki page, under: 
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_12_01#nid015
> The whitepaper "A Case for the Ontological Expression of E-Business 
> Standards" by Kurt Conrad, Bo Newman & Bob Smith, which was handed out 
> at the session is available there too.
> Session-4: the discussion among the panelists and the participants was 
> just wonderful. Special thanks to Leo Obrst and Steve Ray, who joined 
> us remotely, and contributed much to the discussion. The group would 
> probably have been there for a few more hours, if Jon didn't have had 
> to kick us out of the building. :-)  Jon suggested that we should do 
> this again in the next EIDX conference (April 2005.)
> Thanks to Susan Turnbull and Alan Stitzer, we've got pretty much the 
> entire 3-hour session recorded. The audio recording is available in a 
> downloadable MP3 file, and also (within the next 9~10 days) as 
> telephone playback.
> See: 
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_12_01#nid036
> Regards.  -ppy
> -- 
> Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:34:51 -0800:
>> We (the Ontolog Forum) will be presenting our case at the EIDX 
>> "Semantic Harmonization" panel session - 2~5pm PST Dec. 1, 2004.
>> Remote participation is supported, with a toll-free number for US 
>> participants (sponsored by Sun), and a paid number for international 
>> participants. The agenda, dial-in information, presentation material, 
>> and other details are accessible at: 
>> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_12_01
>> Peter Yim and Adam Pease will be delivering a brief, entitled 
>> "Explicit Semantics for Business Ontology - an interim work report 
>> from the Ontolog Forum," on behalf of the Ontolog community.
>> We are also expecting to release the whitepaper, "A Case for the 
>> Ontological Expression of EBusiness Standards" (which Kurt Conrad et 
>> al. is still working on) that culminates the insight active 
>> participants of the community have collaboratively contributed.
>> The event (is hosted by, and) will be taking place at Sun 
>> Microsystems' Menlo Park campus. [Registration is required for 
>> on-site attendees.]
>> The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with 
>> audience participation that afternoon. Therefore, we need as many 
>> members there as we can, to support our case. Besides Adam, Kurt and 
>> Peter (who will be on-site at the event), we've got Steve Ray, Leo 
>> Obrst and Alan Stitzer who have committed to be participating 
>> remotely. Please mark you calendars and plan to join us. We need you 
>> there.
>> Regards.  -ppy
>> -- 
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