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Re: [ontolog-forum] Approval of UBL v1.0 as an OASIS Standard

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:40:42 -0800
Message-id: <41926EBA.6060209@xxxxxxxx>
Here's the official Press Release:    (01)

//    (02)

From: "Carol Geyer" <carol.geyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <pubrel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 16:33:37 -0500
Subject: [announce] UBL Ratified As OASIS Standard    (03)

Universal Business Language (UBL) Ratified As OASIS Standard    (04)

Royalty-Free, International Standard for XML-Based Electronic Business 
Documents Approved    (05)

Boston, MA, USA; 8 November 2004 -- The OASIS international standards 
consortium today announced that its members have approved the
Universal Business Language (UBL) version 1.0 as an OASIS Standard, a status 
that signifies the highest level of ratification.
Developed through an open process, UBL defines a common XML library of business 
documents, such as purchase orders and invoices, as
well as reusable data components from which an unlimited number of other 
documents can be constructed. UBL is the first standard
implementation of the ebXML Core Components Technical Specification.     (06)

"Agreement on a common set of business-to-business document standards is 
essential for successful electronic commerce," explained
Jon Bosak of Sun Microsystems, chair of the OASIS UBL Technical Committee and 
organizer of the working group that created XML. "UBL
provides the world with standard electronic versions of traditional business 
documents designed to integrate with established
commercial and legal practices. Using UBL, businesses of all sizes can enjoy 
the benefits of electronic commerce."    (07)

Joanne Friedman, CEO of business-technology advisory, ConneKted Minds Inc., 
observed, "The combination of a fixed tag set for
electronic business (UBL) together with a transport protocol designed for the 
same purpose (ebXML messaging) is  analogous to the
foundations which built the World Wide Web. Where HTML provides consumers with 
information ubiquity, and HTTP a transfer protocol
designed for the same purpose provides universal access, the UBL/ebXML 
combination will bring  industry the boundary-less,
barrier-free information needed to catalyze economic growth and foster 
inter-industry global trade. E-business didn't die, it just
(quietly) got smarter."    (08)

"With XML came a proliferation of industry-specific vocabularies for business 
documents. Unfortunately, no company does business in
isolation. The very nature of the supply chain requires meaningful, 
cross-industry communication," noted Mark Crawford of LMI
Government Consulting, vice-chair of the OASIS UBL Technical Committee. 
"Instead of being optimized for a particular vertical
industry or application domain, UBL is designed for real-world businesses that 
work with partners across multiple industries."    (09)

UBL was developed in harmony with ebXML OASIS Standards and in light of 
recommendations and standards issued by ISO, IEC, ITU,
UNECE, W3C, IETF, and other relevant standards bodies and organizations. 
Industry groups including ACORD (insurance), ARTS (retail
sales), CompTIA EIDX Leadership Group (electronics), HL7 (health care), NACS 
(convenience stores), RosettaNet (supply chain), UIG
(utilities), VCA (prescription eyewear), and XBRL (accounting) all provided 
input on UBL.     (010)

"The key to UBL is that it was built on consensus and collaboration," said 
Patrick Gannon, president and CEO of OASIS.
"The new OASIS Standard is an exciting example of the benefit of bringing 
together users, vendors, industry associations and
government agencies. By actively involving all parties affected by 
cross-industry standards in the requirements and development
phases, the usability of UBL across a variety of trading contexts is assured. 
We congratulate OASIS UBL Technical Committee members
on their achievement and encourage other organizations to join them in 
advancing this work."    (011)

To promote global adoption of the new OASIS Standard, members of the OASIS UBL 
Localization Subcommittees have produced draft
translations of UBL 1.0 data definitions into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and 
Spanish. Together with the original English
definitions, these translations will make UBL usable to approximately 
two-thirds of the world's current online population.     (012)

UBL contributors include representatives of Accountis plc, ACORD, Asociación 
Nacional de Fabricantes Autoridad de Certificació, The
Boeing Company, Center for Document Engineering, Denmark Ministry of Science, 
Technology & Innovation, East Asia Electronic Commerce
Association, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Korea CALS/EC 
Association, LMI Government Consulting, NEC, NIST, Oracle,
PISCES Ltd, PSLX Consortium, SeeBeyond, Sterling Commerce, Sun Microsystems, 
University of Hong Kong, US Dept of the Navy, U.S.
General Services Administration, and others.    (013)

Participation in the OASIS UBL Technical Committee remains open to all 
organizations and individuals; OASIS hosts an open mail list
for public comment and the ubl-dev mailing list for exchanging information on 
implementing the standard. UBL is provided on a
royalty-free basis, available to all without licensing or other fees.    (014)

Industry Support for UBL OASIS Standard:    (015)

"The UBL 1.0 release represents a significant advancement in the process of 
using international open standards to conduct business
modeling, data analysis, and XML schema deployment. It provides an "out of the 
box" solution for document-based transactions as well
as a library of reusable business data components," said Marion A. Royal, 
Senior Policy Advisor with the Office of Governmentwide
Policy at U.S. General Services Administration.    (016)

"As a proponent of open standards-based integration, SeeBeyond is pleased to 
have participated in the development of UBL 1.0, and
welcomes its approval as an OASIS Standard in the payload domain of XML-based 
B2B frameworks," said Alex Andrianopoulos, Vice
President of Product Management for SeeBeyond. "Working with a broad range of 
businesses across all major industries, we see such a
standard playing a key role to enabling global ecommerce interoperability as it 
promotes the integration of small-to-mid range
businesses into broader electronic data exchange-based supply chains."    (017)

"Sun is committed to open standards development and is proud to have organized 
and led the UBL initiative that defines the standard
XML payload format for Electronic Procurement," said Mark Bauhaus, vice 
president of Java Web Services at Sun Microsystems. "Sun is
investing in developing UBL because we believe it will play an important role 
in providing an entry point into SOAs for small and
medium sized businesses, where there is a significant need for standardized 
vocabularies to truly enable electronic business."    (018)

Additional information:    (019)

OASIS UBL Technical Committee
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl    (020)

http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/faq.php    (021)

About OASIS:
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is 
a not-for-profit, international consortium that
drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. 
Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using
a lightweight, open process expressly designed to promote industry consensus 
and unite disparate efforts. The consortium produces
open standards for Web services, security, e-business, and standardization 
efforts in the public sector and for application-specific
markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 3,500 participants representing 
over 600 organizations and individual members in 100
countries. Approved OASIS Standards include AVDL, CAP, DocBook, DSML, ebXML, 
http://www.oasis-open.org    (022)

Press contact:    (023)

Carol Geyer
OASIS Director of Communications
+1.978.667.5115 x290
//    (024)

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