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RE: [ontolog-forum] Joint SICoP-Ontolog Meeting schedule [was - Re: SIC

To: "'[ontolog-forum] '" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Bob Smith" <robsmith5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 09:54:12 -0700
Message-id: <20040524165428.EFAAA46F@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Peter,    (01)

Please count me in for Wednesday afternoon...    (02)

Bob    (03)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Yim
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:40 AM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Joint SICoP-Ontolog Meeting schedule [was - Re:
SICoP CalendarProposed Dates-URGENT]    (04)

All (especially who who will be in the DC Area early July, 2004),    (05)

Ref. my initial response to Brand (below) on the suggested SICoP-Ontolog
meeting date, please advise if we do get the meeting going on Wed 7-Jul-04
afternoon, would you be coming (one will have to skip the Wed pm Protege
conference sessions to do it).    (06)

Comments, alternatives, suggestions are welcomed too.    (07)

Please respond quickly so that we can get this to converge.    (08)

Thanks & regards.  -ppy
--    (09)

Peter Yim wrote Mon, 24 May 2004 09:32:45 -0700:    (010)

> Brand et al.,
> Ref the SICoP-Ontolog joint meeting, may I suggest Wed 7-Jul-04 
> afternoon. I have yet to run this by the ontolog folks, just trying to 
> do this in parallel.
> Rationale behind the suggestion:
> The event that is bringing the ontolog people to town is (Stanford 
> Medical Informatics') Protege Annual Conference, which will be held at 
> NIH (Bethesda, MD) between Tue 6-Jul-04 to Fri 9-Jul-04, within which, 
> the the Ontolog people is running a workshop entitled "Extending 
> Enterprise Ontologies: Levels, Limits, and Tensions" during the 
> afternoon of Tue 6-Jul-04.
> The out-of-town folks will generally be leaving by the end of the week 
> (although i personally will be staying for Susan's Collaborative 
> Expedition Workshop on "Intelligent Manufacturing" that will be held 
> the following Tuesday 13-Jul-2004.)
> Originally, I was going to suggest Mon 5-Jul-04, but was just prompted 
> that Jul 5 is a public holiday (after Jul 4), therefore, that's out.
> The next near-feasible alternative, would be for the ontolog people 
> (hopefully enough are willing) to skip, say, one of the afternoon 
> sessions of the Protege conference, to do this joint SICoP-Ontolog 
> meeting ... which I do hope, can take place. Hence, my proposal of Wed
> 7-Jul-04 afternoon.
> Also, I know this is the next level of details, but, if you already 
> have some idea, please advise where the meeting venue might be.
> Regards,
> --    (011)

> Brand Niemann wrote Mon, 24 May 2004 09:53:25 -0400:
>> Since scheduling is critical, here are the some initial proposals:
>> ...[snip]...
>> July 14, 2004,  Also Joint Meeting with the SICoP and the Ontolog 
>> Forum (tentative). Note: Peter does this work for the ONTOLOG Forum? 
>> Susan's CEW is the day before at NSF.
>> ...[snip]...
>> Brand
>> ...    (012)

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