Hello, (01)
Attached, please find a proposal for a workshop at the 2004 AAAI (American
Association for Artificial Intelligence) Spring Symposium to be held in
Stanford on March 22-24, 2004. The workshop is entitled "Knowledge
Representation and Ontology for Autonomous Systems" and the objective is to
bring together colleagues in the autonomous systems, knowledge
representations, ontology, and data fusion communities to find ways of
leveraging existing knowledge technologies to benefit autonomous systems. (02)
As part of the proposal, AAAI has asked that we provide: (03)
"a list of potential participants that have been contacted and have
expressed interest in participating... Note that the potential participants
need not commit to participating, only state that they are interested." (04)
As stated above, notice that an expression of interest does not commit you
to attending or submitting a paper (though we hope you would consider doing
so). It simply states that you would be interested in participating, if all
else allows. (05)
If you wish to express interest in this event, please do so by emailing
"schlenof@xxxxxxxxxxxx" right away.
Submission deadline is FRIDAY MAY 2. (06)
The organizing committee is very excited about this workshop and we want to
put together as strong of a proposal as possible. We appreciate your support. (07)
Mike Uschold and Craig Schlenoff (08)
Description: kr-for-autonomous-systems2.doc
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