Thank you, Kurt. I was out all day yesterday, and therefore, didn't get a
chance to respond to you until now. Looks like we're ready to get started
again. (01)
The previous discussion archives have all been moved over now.
Coincidentally, we are getting a clean start in August 2002 -- with all
previous discussions being in the May 2002 through July 2002 archives. Some
time later today, I will go in the remove all these test messages and
responses, and we'll be ready to roll. (02)
Leo and Kurt, (03)
Could we do a three-way phone conversation early next week to talk about
immediate next steps? I can do that Monday afternoon (CA time) or Tuesday
anytime (as early as 6:00am PDT). What would be a good time for you guys? (04)
(fyi ... Leo works out of the East coast, and Kurt is in the San Francisco
Bay Area.) (05)
650-578-9998 (06)
P.S. Don't mean to leave you out, but I just didn't want to further burden
you with the startup details. We'll keep you posted via the list.
P.P.S. Eugene has indicated that he'll remain an "observer" for now.
-- (07)
> Peter,
> Message received.
> /s/ kwc 2002.08.02 09:05 (08)
== (09)
> At 2002-08-02 01:50 -0700, Peter P. Yim wrote:
> >Hi Kurt, Leo, Mike & Eugene,
> >
> >The CIM3 systems work had taken a little longer than I had expected,
> >but things are returning to normal
> >now, with a more robust system at our disposition.
> >
> >This is a test to make sure the new list is working properly -- and
> >as such, I am only routing this test
> >message to Kurt Conrad, Leo Obrst, Mike Adcock and Eugene Kim (my
> >partner in a new startup -- I'll explain
> >this more fully next time I have a chance.)
> >
> >Please acknowledge receipt of this test message -- and advise if you
> >do notice any anomaly.
> >
> >I have yet to transfer the old [ubl-ontolog] discussions over to the
> >new forum archives.
> >
> >I'm looking forward to all your help to get this forum going real soon.
> >
> >Personal regards,
> >PPY
> >--
> >
> >"Peter P. Yim" wrote Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:09:09 -0700:
> >
> > > Hello Everybody,
> > >
> > > Just writing to let everyone know that the CIM3 system is going
> > through some network upgrade, which did
> > > not go as smoothly as I had hoped to see. Therefore, rather than
> > bringing up the new [ontolog] forum,
> > > and have it be intermittent while service is being rendered by my
> > network provider, I've decided to
> > > bring it up after the upgrade is fully in place. That, hopefully,
> > should only be another week or so.
> > > Please bear with me. I'll keep everyone posted on the status.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > PPY
> >
> >--
> >An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
> >at
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Kurt Conrad
> 2994 Salem Dr. 408-247-0454
> Santa Clara, CA 95051-5502 408-247-0457 (data/fax)
> mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> --
> An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
> at (010)
An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
at (011)