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[ontolog-admin] Ontolog Invited Speaker - Leo Obrst - Thu 2006.01.12

To: Leo Obrst <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 20:12:14 -0800
Message-id: <439E4A1E.1020100@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Dr. Obrst,    (01)

Further to the e-mail thread you started (on the subject of 
"briefing on range of semantic models" dated 2005.11.11) and our 
confirmation during the Ontolog conference call of Dec. 1, 2005, 
I would like to thank you, on behalf of the community, for 
accepting our invitation to speak at the Ontolog-Forum on 
Thursday, January 12, 2006. The title of your talk, as we had 
discussed, will be: "What is an ontology? - A Briefing on the 
Range of Semantic Models", but do feel free to modify that as you 
feel appropriate. I am writing here, to provide further details 
and some administrivia on the event.    (02)

This session will be a 1.5 to 2 hour virtual event, scheduled for 
10:30am~12:30pm Pacific Time / 1:30~3:30pm Eastern Time / 
18:30~20:30 UTC. The session will start with about 10~15 minutes 
for self-introductions by participants and for getting everyone 
settled in. I will then formally introduce you. Your virtual 
presentation (of approximately 45~60 minutes) will then follow. 
After which, there will be an open discussion for about 30~45 
minutes.  This will be over a phone conference, augmented by 
online presentation material.    (03)

The [ontolog] community engages in the learning, discourse and 
development of domain ontologies, is trying to advance the 
adoption and application of ontological engineering approaches 
and semantic technologies (see our charter at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB ), and 
is facilitating their move into the mainstream standards. Your 
sharing with us the experience and insight based on 
ontology-related work of yours, and affording us the chance to 
have an open dialog with you along those lines will be most 
appreciated.    (04)

I shall look forward to receiving the following from you, at your 
earliest convenience (hopefully no later than Dec. 18, 2006):    (05)

(a) the title of your talk [done: we now have "What is an 
ontology? - A Briefing on the Range of Semantic Models", unless 
you want to modify it], and    (06)

(b) an abstract of your talk, anywhere from a few sentences to a 
couple of paragraphs will do. [I know you had included an outline 
in your 2005.11.11 message already, if you only want to add a 
line of two over that outline, and use that, just let me know.]    (07)

(c) a recent picture of yours (about 180x180 pixels, in png, jpg 
or gif format),
[I can extract out of either 
http://ncor.buffalo.edu/inaugural/Images/photos/photo46.jpg or 
http://ncor.buffalo.edu/inaugural/Images/photos/photo47.jpg too, 
just let me know.]    (08)

(d) a short biographic sketch of yourself. In addition, if you 
can provide (links to) slightly more extended bio/intro of you 
and your work, that would be even better. It would be fine if you 
just supply the URL's to the material (if something appropriate 
is already available online.) Feel free to update your namesake 
page on the Ontolog wiki too (at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LeoObrst -- your may need 
to do a "Create Account" or "Login" for the user "LeoObrst" 
before editing on the wiki (access is at the upper right of wiki 
page)).    (09)

Once I get the above, I will start building out the session wiki 
page and announce the event, so that people could mark their 
calendars and plan to attend.    (010)

Closer to the time (say, by Jan. 8, 2006, although this is not a 
hard deadline), please send me:    (011)

(e) your presentation material* (in pdf, powerpoint, sxi, html, 
png, jpg or some common electronic format) so that I can post it 
online for access during the session. (Optionally, you may choose 
  to have that posted a week or so in advance of your talk, or 
the morning of your session.)    (012)

During the talk, you will be in control of a shared-screen server 
(a VNC server) that will allow you to run your presentation 
slides, a web browser or even other applications (if you do need 
to run other applications, please provide me with more details 
because we may need some prior coordination to make it happen). 
The display screen from the VNC server will be shared by most of 
the virtual attendees during the event. If you have trouble with 
the VNC server access, I can always advance slides for you on 
your prompt.    (013)

(f) After I receive your presentation material, we will schedule 
a phone session (or, in this case, probably a skype session) so 
that I can walk you through the presentation controls and some of 
the relevant nuances that our virtual speaker(s) need to be aware 
of. We should do this while you are at the venue where you plan 
to be presenting from (e.g. your office, your home, ... etc. 
because each may present different connectivity issues we would 
need to tackle). You are also invited to take a look at the hints 
we have for sessions like this at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VirtualSpeakerSessionTips    (014)

For your reference, please feel free to check out the wiki pages 
of similar recent presentations, like the ones given by Dr. Doug 
Lenat of Cycorp (see: 
or the one by Professor Barry Smith of NCOR (see: 
They should provide some clue as to the format of our monthly 
invited speaker events. However, do feel free to conduct your 
presentation any way you feel like (let me know, though, if you 
expect it to be quite different, so that I can work on providing 
the support you need.) We will be creating a wiki page for your 
session after we have received the above ((a) thru (d) input from 
you), at which point, you are encouraged to post additional 
relevant resources (papers, links, references, ... etc.) to 
support your presentation.    (015)

Additionally, we will be recording our presentation sessions and 
make the archived audio file available online, along with the 
presentation material. May I, on behalf of the Ontolog Forum, 
request your permission to do so. Please refer to our IPR policy 
at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32 
that will be applicable. I will assume that is acceptable to you 
unless I hear from you otherwise.    (016)

Once again, thank you very much for agreeing to speak, and to 
having a dialog with the Ontolog community. I shall look forward 
to the event, and to to your continued contribution to Ontolog in 
the future. Feel free to contact the undersigned if there is any 
question.    (017)

=PPY    (018)

Peter P. Yim
[ontolog-forum], co-convener
Phone: (650) 578-9998    (019)

P.S. *Please note that: in preparing your powerpoint (or other 
presentation material), try to avoid using any animation or 
transitions, as they do not work very well over the real-time 
shared-screen service which we employ to allow the audience to be 
in sync with you on your slide presentation.  =ppy    (020)

P.P.S. I'll try to give you a call to go over the above details 
with you tomorrow. If there is a particular time you would 
prefer, please e-mail and let me know.  =ppy
--    (021)

To Post: mailto:ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-admin/
Community Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/wiki/
Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/  
Community Portal: http://ontolog.cim3.net/    (022)
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  • [ontolog-admin] Ontolog Invited Speaker - Leo Obrst - Thu 2006.01.12, Peter P. Yim <=