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[ontolog-admin] Re: Member Conference Call - Thu 2005-12-01

To: dodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 09:35:26 -0800
Message-id: <43971D5E.4030907@xxxxxxxx>
Ed,    (01)

No. We haven't been making audio recordings of regular community 
weekly calls. That said, we do take minutes of the meeting 
proceedings in real time (ever since we started the process -- 
and see who took minutes at that call!)    (02)

So far, we've only been audio recording "special events" (like 
invited speakers sessions and scheduled/technical discussion 
sessions since April 2005. A few of the sessions (Rex Brooks did 
both that have already been posted) are starting to get 
transcribed too, but this is still experimental, so far.    (03)

As you may already realize, Ontolog is a totally volunteered 
effort. I actually pay for the recording and digitization out of 
my own pocket. I've also paid a transcription service to try out 
the cost and quality of such. These are ongoing efforts. ... I 
do, of course, hope that we would land a (or a group of) 
sponsor(s) who would pay for these things. But then, I'm still 
tossed between getting sponsored, versus the total freedom 
knowing that we are not paid by anyone to do this (and have, 
therefore, not been very proactive in going out to get sponsored.)    (04)

... till then, please settle for the meeting notes captured in 
real time.    (05)

Cheers.  =ppy
--    (06)

Ed Dodds wrote Wed, 7 Dec 2005 10:36:46 -0600:
> Peter:
> Was the Member Conference Call - Thu 2005-12-01 call recorded? I'm 
> having trouble find the link. Thanks.
> Ed Dodds
> Convergence Strategist
> dodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:dodds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> <Conmergence.com/> <http://www.conmergence.com/>
> ed_dodds_skype skype
> 615.301.8507 tel
> ed1dodds aim 
> 49457096 icq
> conmergence.com <http://www.conmergence.com/>
> ebxmlforum.org <http://www.ebxmlforum.org/>
> healthcare.xml.org <http://healthcare.xml.org/>
> mbproject.org <http://www.mbproject.org/>
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  • [ontolog-admin] Re: Member Conference Call - Thu 2005-12-01, Peter P. Yim <=