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Re: [ontolog-admin] Ontolog Invited Speaker - Doug Lenat - Thu 2005.11.1

To: Doug Lenat <doug@xxxxxxx>
Cc: ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 17:52:54 -0800
Message-id: <437004F6.9050104@xxxxxxxx>
Doug,    (01)

I have just set up your session page on our wiki.
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_11_17    (02)

Feel free to modify it, and add other link and resources to it as 
you see fit. (You might want to look through the paragraph at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidA before 
editing the Ontolog wiki.)    (03)

I'll be announcing your event to the forum shortly.    (04)

Thanks & regards. =ppy
--    (05)

Peter P. Yim wrote Mon, 07 Nov 2005 13:58:26 -0800:
> Got it! Thanks, Doug.  =ppy
> --     (06)

> Doug Lenat wrote Mon, 07 Nov 2005 15:37:11 -0600:
>> Hi, Peter.  Here are the items a-d that you requested.
>> I'm looking forward to my talk, and will send you a
>> powerpoint file ASAP so we can do a "dry run" of the
>> web controls for it ahead of time.
>> Regards
>> Doug
>> Title:  CYC:  Lessons Learned in Large-Scale Ontological Engineering
>> Abstract:
>> The pursuit of Artificial Intelligence -- from robotics to
>> natural language processing to automated learning -- has been
>> held back by the "brittleness bottleneck" caused by the need for
>> common sense.  For 21 years, we've been priming the pump, building
>> up a formalized corpus of such knowledge, Cyc.  Along the
>> way, we've had to revise our preconceptions and theories, to
>> expand our representation language and arsenal of inference methods,
>> to find approximate yet adequate engineering solutions to problems
>> that philosphers have grappled with for millenia such as
>> ontologizing aspects of substances versus individual objects,
>> time, space, causality, belief, social interactions, and so on.
>> The process of ontological engineering had to grow and evolve
>> throughtout this enterprise, as well, such as how Cyc
>> represents and reasons with contradictions and context.
>> In this talk I will try to cover both the large scale picture
>> of what we've built and why, and the detailed picture of how
>> it's built, and the lessons learned along the way in how and
>> how not to do large-scale OE.  I will report on our recent
>> efforts to make Cyc more accessible to the broader community
>> through OpenCyc and ResearchCyc, which raises issues of how
>> multiple individuals and groups can share and integrate their
>> extensions (and settle their differences).  Finally, I will
>> discuss an exciting new effort we have just had funded, to
>> gather automated reasoning researchers together for a series
>> of workshops in 2006 on speeding up inference in large
>> knowledge bases by orders of magnitude.
>> Bio:
>> *
>> Dr. Douglas Lenat* is the President and CEO of Cycorp.  Since 1984, he
>> and his team have been constructing, experimenting with, and applying
>> a broad real world knowledge base and reasoning engine, collectively 
>> “Cyc”. For ten years he did this as the Principal Scientist of the MCC 
>> research consortium
>> (the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation), and since 
>> 1994
>> as CEO of Cycorp.  He holds BAs in Mathematics and Physics and an
>> MS in Applied Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania.  His 1976
>> Stanford PhD thesis was a demonstration that certain kinds of creative
>> discoveries in mathematics could be produced by a computer
>> program (a theorem /proposer/, rather than a theorem /prover/).  That 
>> work earned
>> him the bi-annual IJCAI Computers and Thought Award in 1977.  Dr. 
>> Lenat was
>> a professor of computer science at Carnegie-Mellon University and at 
>> Stanford
>> University.   He is one of the founders of AAAI (the American 
>> Association for
>> Artificial Intelligence), and a Fellow of AAAI.   He has authored 
>> hundreds of journal
>> articles (e.g., a four-article series in /AI.J. o/ver several years on 
>> /The Nature of
>> Heuristics I-IV/), book chapters (e.g., in /Machine Learning/ and 
>> /Hal's Legacy/)
>> and books (including /Knowledge Based Systems in Artificial 
>> Intelligence / and  /Building Large Knowledge Based Systems/). In 1980 
>> he co-founded
>> Teknowledge, Inc.  His interest and experience in national security 
>> has led him
>> to regularly consult for several U.S. agencies and the White House.  
>> He is the
>> only person to have served on the technical advisory boards of both
>> Microsoft and Apple.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  • Re: [ontolog-admin] Ontolog Invited Speaker - Doug Lenat - Thu 2005.11.17, Peter P. Yim <=