Tim, (01)
I really appreciate your offer. As soon as the translation activity
begins, in earnest, I'm sure that your participation will become critical. (02)
At the moment, I'm grappling with the flood of email in response to
the proposal and working through a couple of issues to rationalize
the project. (03)
Do you have any thoughts or preferences on protocols for your
involvement? My concern is that we make efficient use of your
expertise and don't overwhelm you or waste your time. (04)
Peter, Tim's message might highlight an infrastructure problem. I
received it through my direct account, but did not get a copy via the
[ontolog-forum] list. (05)
/s/ kwc 2003.03.06 10:03 (06)
At 2003-03-06 10:56 +0800, Tim McGrath wrote:
>As chair of the UBL Library Content subcommittee I welcome your
>intiative and would like to volunteer my services as a 'UBL
>consultant' to the project. That is, I can provide you with the
>background, methodology and design decisions taken as well as
>generally trying to clarify and interpret the current 0p70 library.
>Feel free to contact me as necessary. (07)
Kurt Conrad
2994 Salem Dr. 408-247-0454
Santa Clara, CA 95051-5502 408-247-0457 (data/fax)
http://www.SagebrushGroup.com mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (08)
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