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Re: [ontoiop-forum] OntoIOp teleconference (n.56): Wed 20143.04.09

To: ontoiop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Till Mossakowski <mossakow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:04:24 +0200
Message-id: <5345A7C8.9020806@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Tara,

I think you mixed up the term and (paort of) its definition a bit.
The term is "non-logical symbol" (and, as a synonym, also "OMS symbol").
The definition is "atomic _expression_ or syntactic constituent of an OMS that requires an interpretation through a model". I think that this phrase can be very well substituted for "non-logical symbol".

Best, Till

Am 09.04.2014 16:53, schrieb Tara Athan:
Dear All - I said I would go through the terminology section looking for issues with substitutability, ISO style. I have not done that completely, but I have a question from the start.

We have cases such as the first definition:

atomic:_expression_ or syntactic constituent of an OMS that requires an interpretation through a model

Here is an example:
"…." is an <atomic> _expression_ of OWL..
"…." is an <_expression_ or syntactic constituent of an OMS that requires an interpretation through a model> _expression_ of OWL.

Clearly this is not going to work.

I don't know if something like the following is possible within ISO formatting rules:

atomic (_expression_ or syntactic constituent) of (an OMS X):
(_expression_ or syntactic constituent) of X that requires an interpretation through a model

"…." is an <atomic _expression_ of OWL>.
"…." is an <_expression_ of OWL that requires an interpretation through a model


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