Thanks, Simon. =ppy (01)
P.S. (I've reset your password ... and replied you offline.)
-- (02)
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Simon (GMail)
<s.buckingham.shum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Great to 'meet' you all yesterday! In follow-up to queries about more
> systematic descriptions of discourse ontologies, and how to use them, below
> are some pointers...
> I would reiterate my point that while a set of notational constraints and
> conventions get you so far (what we might see as the syntax/grammar of the
> symbol system), the pragmatics of the notation's application are
> particularly germane when it comes to modelling/mapping/structuring
> discourse, because it is so sensitive to disruption by inappropriate tools,
> and because there is inherently so much interpretation going on when
> analysing discourse. This is why some of the resources below are not
> ontological schemas a la semantic web (designed for consensual world machine
> reasoning) but natural language/multimedia descriptions illustrating their
> applications.
> (Peter, I have managed to misplace my login to the wiki -- perhaps you can
> make a link from my bio to this posting, or paste it in? - Sorry!)
> Regards
> Simon (03)
> IBIS: Issue-Based Information System (04)
> Jeff introduced IBIS as a language for Dialogue Mapping and Issue Mapping,
> and I showed how it can provide a simple visual language to scaffold other
> modelling approaches and methdologies (eg CommonKADS) in what Al Selvin and
> Maarten Sierhuis called Conversational Modelling. (05)
> Compendium software, community, training and articles:
> IBIS Manual:
> Dialogue Mapping book:
> Compendium screencasts:
> Conversational Modelling:
> The Literacy of real time mapping for sensemaking: Al Selvin's research
> and Knowledge Art blog: (06)
> Scholarly Ontologies project discourse scheme (07)
> This was the work on mapping research literatures that I described, the
> precursor to Cohere, offering a set of connectives for linking concepts,
> annotated onto documents, into "claim" triples. (08)
> Papers: (09)
> Discourse Scheme in RDF:
> (010)
> Coherence relations as the possible foundation for a "discourse relations
> upper level ontology": (011)
> Mancini, Clara and Buckingham Shum, Simon J. (2006) Modelling discourse in
> contested domains: A semiotic and cognitive framework. International Journal
> of Human-Computer Studies, 64 (11). pp. 1154-1171.
> (012)
> ClaimSpotter semantic annotation document-centric interface:
> (013)
> Cohere OWL ontology (014)
> Cohere: (015)
> (draft in progress - fuller documentation in prep) (016)
> Dr Simon J. Buckingham Shum
> Senior Lecturer in Knowledge Media
> Knowledge Media Institute & Computing Research Centre
> The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
> T: +44 (0)1908 655723 F: +44 (0)1908 653169 (017)
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