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[iaoa-general] IAOA founding meeting

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Nicola Guarino <guarino@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 18:20:16 +0100
Message-id: <93249403-D298-4DB1-AE97-D21939DAD19A@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,    (01)

        taking into account the results of our poll, I have the pleasure to  
communicate that the IAOA founding meeting will be held on Wednesday,  
April 29, in Trento, jointed with a workshop on the status of ontology  
research. Further details will be sent later; we shall try to set up  
some basic facilities for remote participation.    (02)

Concerning the problem of "wet signatures", it is of course important  
to make sure that the people appointed to the (provisional) executive  
board do actually sign the document. If we manage to decide who they  
are in advance, we can circulate a paper document through a small mail  
chain, limited to those people who don't have the possibility to  
physically attend the event (please understand that this is a risky  
process, since we definitely need the document by the time of the  
official announcement).    (03)

Until now, we didn't receive any candidate suggestion. I encourage you  
again to make your proposals; in absence of enough candidates, Stefano  
and I will make a proposal, hoping to achieve some consensus. In any  
case, the decision process will be necessarily based on an informal  
open discussion on this mailing list, instead of proper election. This  
seems to be unavoidable to startup the whole thing taking our  
constraints into account.    (04)

All the best,    (05)

Stefano and Nicola    (06)

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