Hi Stefano, (01)
having had another look at the summer school website [1], I'd like to
propose to add a section on "Applications"/"How to apply" with at least a
hint in which time frame potential candidates will need to apply for the
summer school. If already possible, the application procedure may be
indicated, as well. (02)
I guess/understand that the "stay in the loop" box at the right of the page
is meant to get in touch with potential candidates (and is likely useful to
assess the overall interest in the school). But I wonder whether every
potential candidate is willing to subscribe there. ("Registering your
interest" might still be confused with "registering for the school" (also
given the "Note:" at the bottom), and the need for a privacy agreement might
be discouraging, as well.) (03)
Therefore, I think a corresponding hint in the text part of the page would
be useful. Of course, these are my personal views, just intended as a
suggestion for potential improvement. (04)
Best regards,
Frank (05)
[1] http://iaoa.org/isc2012/index.php (06)
Frank Loebe
University of Leipzig
Department of Computer Science
Postal Address: P.O.Box 100920, 04009 Leipzig
Street Address: Johannisgasse 26, 04103 Leipzig (07)
Phone: +49 341 97 32236
Fax : +49 341 97 32299
Email: frank.loebe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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