Excellent, Jamie, Brett, Everyone, (01)
I am sharing this with the Ontolog Forum's health-ont list, and I
look forward to sharing our recent panel-discussion on healthcare
informatics landscape with our TC. Since we have a follow-up panel
discussion to carry the topics forward in more depth, perhaps we can
look into inviting a broader audience, and perhaps including a longer
session for audience participation. (02)
For those who are interested, the panel discussion description page
includes a link for the recorded session at the bottom of the page:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2005_08_25 (03)
Rex Brooks (04)
At 4:33 PM -0700 9/23/05, James Bryce Clark wrote:
>Members of the OASIS International Health Continuum TC:
> I am pleased to report that Dr. DeLeys Brandman has confirmed
>that she will be able to continue serving as chair of this
>committee. We appreciate the leadership she has provided to the
>important work of this committee, especially as tremendous demand
>builds for practical, robust methods to use standardized data
>structures to address a variety of core health informatics needs.
> The IHC TC defined some early work plans for progress towards
>standardized approaches to EHRs and several other key use cases, but
>has deferred meeting for the past few months. Now OASIS is being
>approached to provide substantial assistance by applying and
>specifying combination of its existing and developing data
>standards, along with other suitable open standards, to fully solve
>these needs. My colleague Dr. Brett Trusko, this TC's OASIS staff
>contact, has been in close contact with multiple other national an
>international health informatics standards bodies, who are quite
>interested in working closely with OASIS -- and our considerable
>stable of existing, useful work in XML, access control, messaging,
>registries, structured data, knowledge management and other relevant
>functions. We would like to have the IHC TC act as a focal point
>for this input and assistance.
> To rise to this challenge will require significant investment of
>leadership time. In order to supplement the time available from
>Dr. Brandman and Dr. Trusko, Dr. Brandman asked me to open a ballot
>for the election of a co-chair for this committee. I declare
>nominations open for that role, and am pleased to report that Peter
>L. Elkin, MD, a member of this committee, has indicated that he will
>accept Dr. Brandman's nomination.
> Dr Elkin is Professor of Medicine, and the Director of the
>Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics, at the Mayo Clinic College of
>Medicine, in Rochester, Minnesota. We appreciate the willingness of
>Dr. Elkin and the Mayo Clinic to make his time available to help
>lead this effort. OASIS staff have made inquiries about other
>potential candidates as well.
> Of course, election of a co-chair is a matter for the committee
>to decide. TC members are welcome to nominate or suggest others,
>and should do so to me directly or to this list. However, if I am
>aware of no other nominees, then I will plan to conduct an election
>ballot. Accordingly, failing objections, I plan to open a ballot
>next week, for a duration of one week, which will list each declared
>candidate as well as permit write-in nominations. In the interim, I
>will review the TC records to confirm that the voting status of each
>member is properly reflected in the roster.
> This timing would allow a conference call meeting in
>mid-October for future planning, in time to respond to some specific
>opportunities in November and December. It may also be helpful for
>the TC to hear a report on the currently-forming US Health
>Information Technology Standards Panel, whose imminent first meeting
>will produce key timelines for additional standards-scoping
>opportunities. While this is a matter for the TC to decide, we will
>suggest that in October you also consider a face-to-face meeting
>during the 4th quarter 2005, to cement and articulate the TC's
>workplan for its specific deliverables.
> As always, we deeply appreciate your contributions to our
>e-health work as well as your support for open standardization. We
>look forward to talking with you at the TC's next meeting.
> Best regards Jamie Clark
>~ James Bryce Clark
>~ Director, Standards Development, OASIS
>~ jamie.clark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (05)
Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-849-2309
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