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Re: [bsp-forum] Mission Statement

To: BSP Forum <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Finith E Jernigan AIA <finith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 11:51:16 -0400
Message-id: <D0DD9D40-8F1D-41D7-A71B-AEC3BF4D18E2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
btw. the concept of BIM as organizing structure of asymmetrical data  
pretty much parallels what is happening with the web as it matures and  
evolves. If you have not seen Kimon Onuma's presentation of the  
parallels to Expedia, it is worth the time.    (01)

BIG BIM will 'reside' in decentralized Model Servers and is not  
dependent on any specific software in order to overcome the versioning  
and aging of data issues, now being discussed on the BuildingSMART  
thread. Onuma's OPS is one of the first successful model servers in  
functional use. Others are soon to come online and will become more  
robust over time.    (02)

fej    (03)

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