Thanks Bob, will look for the updates and a call to catch up btw Wed and Fri makes sense.
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Bob Smith < bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Deborah,
What has to be done this week….
Michelle is (or has already) cleared up
the BSP home page; Bob is synthesizing that materials around the Mission and the Charter
(with help from Finith and Mike).
Depending on progress and loose ends, we
might have a conference call sometime between Wednesday and next Friday (July
All presentors should have their PPTs uploaded
by Friday (? My recollections)
The outlying issues TBD by the deadline
posted on the BSP home page.
Has anything been
resolved about the draft vs charter - what needs to be done this week prior to
the kick off to get the scope settled and everyone on the same page? What are
the outlying issues?
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Michelle
Raymond <michellearaymond@xxxxxxxxx>
Peter, et. al.
The meeting on June 30th, has a big a focus on planning.
Thus it is a big aid to have the capability to real-time share
and create process maps, mind maps, project planning charts...
... in whatever format is effective for planning, this can be done in
as a Webinar.
Finith is the volunteer chair for this meeting and I am the volunteer
note taker.
If someone else hasn't already done so, I'll have all the
conference call (webinar) connection data, agenda, etc... in
the regular format at:,
however the details of the sub-levels of the agenda will be viewable
pre-meeting through the open links to the images provided by Finith,
(which are already available via a link on the main BSP page).
Notes, may be captured realtime in a mindmap or may be realtime
on the wiki page. That is TBD. Notes WILL be available in
wiki text with html links to open material formats on the wiki page,
after the call for all community members to access, edit and discuss.
As to how we got to trying a Webinar approach as a trial format for
this meeting and may have utilized variety of tools and file types that
are not all open... ... but will have a open view before the kickoff meeting.
I and others reviewed some of the open tools, tried them with a bit of
what BSP would need and could briefly show the results of those tools.
However, the outcome, from MY set of limited trials, is that we still need
a better open solution and should continue to seek suggestions.
Therefore, until we have a common open tool, in order to not slow
the planning process in the meantime, we are each using whatever tool
or file format we are currently comfortable with to show what we would
like to see in the resulting BSP, Project Team adopted, plan.
The results of the planning session, i.e. the proposed plan, WILL be
available in a format open to all. If that format requires anything
the standard browser based wiki interface, a version of the plan will be
put in plain text with only standard wiki markup.
Best regards,
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Finith and Co-conveners of BSP,
> I am planning to join (but probably only for the first 30~45 minutes).
> I do want to say things during the call too, as the agenda items seem
> interesting and I can help convey various aspects of the current
> Ontolog community culture as needed (not that I have anything
> prepared.)
> I tried to register for the meeting, but found that I need to provide
> my name, email, address, etc. to this company "Citrix LLC (US)"
> I can participate. ... Categorically, I have trouble with that. ...
> also have trouble that people who may want to have a voice at this
> meeting has to register separately.
> Could you provide the numbers on the meeting session page, please (as
> usual) ...
> Thanks. =ppy
> P.S. May I know why are we trying to switch from the nominal Ontolog
> call infrastructure to "GoToWebinar"? Are they on open
> --
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Finith E Jernigan AIA
> <finith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Building Service Performance Regular Meeting 6/30/08 1:30PM EDT
>> Join us for a Webinar on June 30
>> Space is limited.
>> Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
>> Regularily scheduled meeting for *Monday 30 June 2008*. There's
plenty to
>> discuss before the project kickoff.
>> The Building Service Performance Project Kickoff is set
>> for Monday the 14th of July, and responses started coming
>> in within 1/2 hour of the invitation being sent.
>> The agenda will include discussions of the following topics:
>> - Conference call / webinar etiquette
>> - Long Term Goals
>> - Making what we do make sense
>> - Current opportunities
>> - General principles in Ontology authoring
>> - Kick-off meeting July 14th, 2008
>> By seperate email we will be forwarding a mindmap with agenda details
>> two pdf files for those without MindManager.
>> NB. We are testing
for this meeting and will be using
>> the web interface for presenting the agenda items. Dial-in to the
meeing is
>> via the phone numbers included with this notice. NOTE that if you
intend to
>> speak in the webinar, you should dial-in using the Panelist Phone
Number and
>> Panelist Access Code provided.
>> Title: Building Service Performance Regular Meeting 6/30/08 1:30PM EST
>> Date:Monday, June 30, 2008
>> Time:1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EDT (10:30 PST, 14:30 UTC)
>> System Requirements
>> PC-based attendees
>> Required: Windows(R) 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
>> Macintosh(R)-based attendees
>> Required: Mac OS(R) X 10.3.9 (Panther(R)) or newer
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Deborah L. MacPherson CSI CCS, AIA
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC
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