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Re: [bsp-forum] SMARTcodes

To: "BSP Forum" <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Deborah MacPherson" <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:25:36 -0400
Message-id: <48f213f30804160525l37ef0511h342cadaa6a4a6691@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Bob and all -

Yes, lets set up a conference call next week.

I'm going out of town today noon until tomorrow but wanted to pass this along. I'm trying to understand what kind of functionality you are trying to capture versus the kind of information building documents actually have.

I've been thinking about the proposed code templates in relation to an example of Toby's where there is a need to "Shut Down Air Handler 2" For example, a fire is reported in the building or a toxic cloud is moving down the street.

Most building codes are generally geared for design and construction more than operation. In other words, the wall and stair layout is designed in to meet a building code, an electrical or HVAC system meets other codes, the performance is established and the walls are there or the systems are installed based on that.  For an air handler to shut down in response to a report originating in the building or an outside situation alerted through some other means - the BIM has to know everything about the actual building, not the building plans, to know exactly where Air Handler 2 is located, what its capacities are, and the impact it will have at this exact moment to the rest of the HVAC system when it is shut down.

This is all completely different than designing, installing, testing and balancing an HVAC system to comply with an energy code. Or pricing it, having it bid and built, turning over operations and maintenance manuals or demonstration and training for the Owner.  The BIM itself has to undergo demonstration and training to turn over into operations and maintenance mode. Most construction information can be cleared out because the building is now real. That switch from design to reality is where I think the spec classifications and code compliance needs all should switch over also. Its probably the last time an architect, engineer or specifier will think about this building. This process is currently undefined.

Functionality wise, I'd like to map a few scenarios all the way through, from the minimum detail of an equipment spec to it being shut down. It will be easier to put together a set of buildings and a framework based on BIMstorm New Orleans because US codes can be used and the models are already done as far as they will go.  There could be a basemap of less than 250 spec sections, then overlays/selections/filling to describe 10 sample buildings  to figure out a smaller set of building codes that apply.  This is something you guys could send a hurricane into or make pretend fires to see what happens.  From there it will be easier to determine which codes and standards are needed for operations and emergency response versus design and construction. Or better, why not look at the BIMstorm models in the context of actual New Orleans and Katrina rather than making up where the people are etc?

Last, BSP could stand for "Building Specification Provisioning" instead because the specifications could be either to set the performance over the building lifecycle or ontology specifications - either way, BSP is an effort to prepare and provision the specifications for what they need to do.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 7:23 PM, Bob Smith <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Deborah


Sounds like you have a good start on this next step: Finding out what we could do towards our mission, and seeing what roles need to be performed.


The two SMARTCode PPT compare before and after performances and the standards (Code templates?) appear worth discussing in context of larger inclusive standards.


You had mentioned your need to work further on right and left columns, and so link together more service functionality.


A telephone conference call within the next week or so might be productive in extending our Mission to some target workplan on Building Service Performance.






From: bsp-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bsp-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Deborah MacPherson
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:07 AM
To: BSP Forum
Subject: [bsp-forum] SMARTcodes


Hi -

What are the next steps?

I've been talking with some people at the International Code Council that may have an excellent perspective to add. Please see more about SMARTcodes here 

Are the goals stated there (FAQ for example) in line with ideas or interests outside of NBIMS?

Thank you,


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Rex Brooks <rexb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Deborah,

Building Service Performance

The key concept was, I believe the need to
"better define the interface between control

systems and the outside world."


Deborah L. MacPherson
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC

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