Hi Toby and All - (01)
Can you please refresh my memory about what your original title was
"Building Service ______ Framework"? (02)
I'd like to start building this and it is going to have to work
backwards from the attached- in other words starting on the right side
with the codes and performance requirements then defining the design
elements that will achieve the goals. (03)
In addition to ISO 15926: (05)
Can the requirements be based on ISO 12006-2 Organization of
Information about Construction Works (rather than ISO Technical Report
14177 Classification of information in the construction industry July
1994) because of the cleaner alignment with current OmniClass? (06)
Also, is ISO/PAS 12006-3 part 3 Framework for Object Oriented
Information Exchange - important to make space for and design towards? (07)
What about ISO/IEC 11179, Information Technology? Framework, 11179-2:
Classification, 11179-3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes,
11179-4: Formulation of data definition, 11179-5: Naming and
identification principles, and 11179-6: Registration? (08)
Especially in regards to OGC, what about ISO 35.100 Open Systems
Interconnection? (09)
Once that basic framework is chosen, what energy codes and
sustainability codes are realistic to aim for? Just to stick with the
fire station first - where would you start? The international
standards for all the above encompass too much for one facility. They
match up better with UniFormat. (011)
So - what would the ideal fire station do and how would you capture
which areas are served by this station? (012)
For the other 9 facilities, I plan to revise to accomodate/survey OCCS
11 rather than the list sent earlier. (013)
>From here I was thinking the column titles should be updated from
"Cross Over" to the testing agency and level of performance expected.
The fire station template is attached, only a couple concrete and
structural steel tests are filled in. (015)
Since the next BIMstorm is in Vancouver and there is not time to learn
Canadian codes, should the basic structure be based on New Orleans for
now? (016)
The information itself, I feel is defined through MasterFormat
Division 00 and 01, which drops away after the owner's operations
start, and lives on in Divs 27 and 28 literally in the building(s), in
the model, or as part of network exchanges. (018)
In that regard, I am also "...keen to explore how we could map to
international standards like Open Group's UDEF
(http://www.opengroup.org/udef/) which complies to the ISO 11179 and
ISO 15000 standards (data management standards)"
.....onto the topics shown for the sample set of 10 facilities -
buildings that provide a certain set of services and need to meet a
selected level of performance. (019)
Deborah (020)
-- (021)
Deborah L. MacPherson
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC (022)
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