Ontology Summit 2014 Activities

The following activities form an integral part of this year's Ontology Summit. Besides focusing effort to collaboratively coming up with the communiqué, the community had also formed teams to roll out the following activities ..."

Development and Application Tracks


The communiqué is intended to advance the state of the art of applied ontology by facilitating a consensus on an open question and identifying future challenges for the community. It is neither a summary of all that happened during the OS nor a research paper. Rather, it is an advocacy paper, based in the discussion, lessons, discoveries, and synthesis taking place over the course of the summit. The scope of the communiqué is therefore likely to be narrower than that of the summit. Read More

Hackaton & related activities

The OntologySummit2014 Hackathon & related activities are intended to have summit participants collaborate intensively to create something 'real' and 'useful' (relevant to this OntologySummit theme), to produce something that can be demonstrated during the face-to-face Symposium (Apr 28 & 29, 2014), and possibly something that will spin-off into meaningful projects that can be continued after this Ontology Summit is over.

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Community Resources

Community Resources track focuses on effectively gathering and sharing resources relevant to OntologySummit2014 topics and discussions. Such resources might include, for example: publications, events, projects, implementations, tools, vocabularies and ontologies, repositories, standards, research findings, or organizations. Collectively, the community of OntologySummit2014 participants knows about a great range of such resources. It is responsible of the management of:

Support Teams


The mission statement of Outreach Team is to improve engagement with, and increase visibility to, people and organizations in the Ontology, Semantic Technology, and partner domains, especially those closest to the current OntologySummit's theme, goals, and objectives. It includes three subteams:

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Program management

The Program management team aims to provide program management for the overall OntologySummit2014 activities; specifically, to provide support and facilitation for:

  • organization and planning
  • infrastructure and other resources
  • process, operations and logistics
  • and, to coordinate production of the program.
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