A SOCoP 2014 workshop and Geo-VoCamp as follow-up to previous SOCoP workshops and VoCamps participated in by SOCoP members is planned to take place at the USGS National facility Dec. 1-3 (starting at 12:30 on Dec 1) in Reston VA. The session will be organized around 3-4 Work Groups made up of domain experts, group facilitators and people with semantic/ontological experience. More details are available at [GeoVoCampSOCoP2014]. (4EWV)
The Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) hosted its 6th annual workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies. This took place at the NSF Stafford II facility Nov 18-19 on Wilson Blvd, Ballston VA. See the workshop page for details on the topics and reports. (42E6)
Our SOCoP 2012 workshop and GeoVoCamp followed up on previous SOCoP workshops and VoCamps. These, as noted, below involved SOCoP members roles as co-organizers and participants. The 2012 GeoVoCamp and workshop was hosted at the USGS National facility Th. Friday, Nov, 29-30 (12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192). (3GN5)
The session is organized around 4 Work Groups made up of domain experts, group facilitators and people with semantic/ontological experience. See GeoVoCampSOCoP2012 for working details (3JPP)
The Workshop page on this Wiki includes session slides and reports. (3GN2)
2012 (3GMX)
VoCamp Dayton Sept. 2012 (3GMY)
Two members of SOCoP INTEROP (Gary Berg-Cross (co-organizer) and Mike Dean) joined several community members in participation at the workshop and contributed to the development of a Semantic Trajectory ontology pattern and revised the Motion & Path ontology patterns. Summary reports are being developed and will be available on the main workshop page. Currently drafts are in a Drop-Box being used by the 3 WGs. (3GMZ)
VoCamp UCSB Feb. 2012 (3GN4)
Geo-Vocamp at UCSB Feb. 3-5 2012 {nid 34HJ} == (3GN1)
Two members of SOCoP INTEROP (Gary Berg-Cross and Dave Kolas) participated in the workshop and contributed to the development of Motion and Path ontology patterns. The group's summary report and Dave's draft of a Motion pattern (in Turtle ttl) is available on our Pattern Page. (34HK)
The 4th Annual Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop: Geo-Spatial Ontologies and Semantics - current and future practices was held Dec. 2, 2011 at the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Center (2YSI)
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192 on Friday December 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. (2YSF)
This workshop was organized by SOCoP with support from the USGS, Ontolog, and others who we generously thnak. (2YSG)
There are no charges for SOCoP Workshops, but attendees registered with SOCoP to facilitate logistics and entry into the USGS Building. Workshop Agenda and Registration Information: (2YSJ)
As with last year remote registrants will be able to access the workshop via Web-Ex. (2YSK)
For details on the workshop see SocopWorkshop2011. (2YSH)
Previous: Spatial Semantics and Ontologies Workshop (SSO), Nov. 1, 2011
This was the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies (SSO) 2011, (2YZI)
We had 7 papers presented and lighting round discussion of ontology repositories, ontology design patterns and how to get workshop collaboration. (2YZH)
See #sso2011 for some tweets on the presentations . (2X2C)
See socop/Sso_agenda for the final agenda of talks and other workshop events. (2YLZ)
The following papers were presented: (2X2D)
- Introducing the New SIM-DL_A Semantic Similarity Measurement Plug-in for the Protege Ontology Editor, Christoph Mülligann, Johannes Trame, Krzysztof Janowicz (2X2E)
- Exploiting Semantics for Geospatial Data Fusion, Pedro Szekely, Craig Knoblock, Shubham Gupta, Mohsen Taheriyan, and Bo Wu (2X2F)
- Modeling Geospatial Barriers, Emily White and Kathleen Stewart (2X2G)
- A Semantic Web Map Mediation Service: Interactive Redesign and Sharing of Map Legends, Mark Gahegan, Will Smart, Sina Masoud-Ansari, Brandon Whitehead (2X2H)
- Volunteered Geographic Services: Developing a Linked Data Driven Location-based Service, Alexander Savelyev, Krzysztof Janowicz, Jim Thatcher, Sen Xu, Christoph Mülligann, Wei Luo (2X2I)
- Balloon: Representing and Querying the Near Future Movement of Predictive Moving Objects, Hechen Liu and Markus Schneider (2X2J)
Also Recent: Terra Cognita 2011 Workshop, (2W20)
In Conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference, (ISWC 2011),, Bonn, Germany. (2W21)
Background (2X2L)
The Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) organizes workshops. Examples include Terra Cognita Workshop held at several ISWC meetings, including one at ISWC 2011 in Germany. See above. Another upcoming workshop will be at the ACM SIGSPatial GIS conference in Chicago. See above. (2UCG)
Recently we co-organized a Geo Vo_Camp_DC_2011 as a follow-up to Geo Vo_Camp _Southampton_2011,to work on near-term geographic vocabularies for Linked Data which could be a wide use. This was an opportunity to discuss geo-spatial issues to support the NSF SOCoP INTEROP project. Current community efforts are starting to develop linking ontologies to support better interoperable for Land Use. We discussed Land Use, Land Forms, Hydrology and the SWEET ontology. See details on the workshop at: (2V3H)
Presentations included: (2V3I)
[ Orientation to VoCamps, schedule and prior efforts ] by Gary Berg-Cross (2V3P)
[ Land Use ] (Ola Ahlgvist remote presentation) {nid 2V3J} continued in afternoon by Sinha Gaurav on Landforms (2V3K)
Ontologies for Linked Spatiotemporal Data (Krzysztof Janowicz) (2V3L)
USGS Interest in Linked Data (Dalia Veranka) (2V3M)
Linked Data Geo Vocabulary Background & Review (Todd Pehle) (2V3N)
Introduction to Web-Based Ontology Engineering (Mike Lang Jr.) (2V3O)
We also host free, annual workshops on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies. These are usually held in the DC area in the Fall based on facility availability and community interest. The purpose of the workshops is to advance understanding about state of research, implementation requirements, anticipated value and future role of spatial ontologies and semantic tools in the continued growth of spatial data infrastructures. (2JWY)
There is no charge for Fall workshops and more information about SOCoP and its workshop is added to the SOCoP wiki as material is developed. (2JWZ)
The last workshop took place Dec. 3, 2010 and was held at the USGS facility in Reston VA. For workshop material organized by morning speakers and afternoon discussions see For an agenda and . (2QWG)
For more information please contact Dr. Gary Berg-Cross for guidance (2J99) (2JX0)
Registration Information from this earlier workshop is at: (2JX1)
Information and presentations from the 2009 workshop held at MITRE in MCLean are also available at (2QWH)