OpenOntologyRepository (OOR) - Metadata (2QEZ)
This page is for the documentation relating to the metadata requirements of the "open ontology repository" we are planning to implement through the OOR initiative. (2QF0)
What's New: (2QF1)
- 2012_03_06 - OOR Metadata Workshop-VI - OOR/ConferenceCall_2012_03_06 (365E)
- 2012_01_17 - OOR Metadata Workshop-V - OOR/ConferenceCall_2012_01_17 (365F)
- 2011_10_18 - OOR Metadata Workshop-IV - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_10_18 (365G)
- 2011_05_27 - OOR Metadata Workshop-III - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_27 (365H)
- 2011_05_13 - OOR Metadata Workshop-II - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_13 (365I)
- 2011_03_18 - OOR Metadata Workshop-I - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_18 (2QF2)
Tasks at Hand: (2QF3)
... this and the following sections need to be updated! (365J)
- From the Fri 2011.03.18 workshop: (ref.) (2QF4)
- 1. (near term) to review Ken's use cases to validate the adequacy of OMV. (2QF5)
- Action Item 1: Evaluate the adequacy of OMV with respect to the OOR use cases at (2QF6)
- 2. (urgent) drive the OOR sandbox to production-box transition. (2QF7)
- Action Item 2: Focus on issues related to "production" OOR, particularly the gatekeeper functionality. (2QF8)
- 3. (medium term) we need research, discuss, and sought expert advice on state-of-art on versioning, identifier, etc. (2QF9)
- 1. (near term) to review Ken's use cases to validate the adequacy of OMV. (2QF5)
Proposed: (2QIZ)
18 March 2011 - OOR will use the OMV ontology as the core metadata ontology. (2QJ3)
18 March 2011 - OMV will be extended to import additional extensions needed to support OOR (e.g., ontology configurations, version history) (2QJ0)
22 March 2011 - JohnGraybeal proposes evaluating using MMI's Ontology Metadata for Community Ontologies as an extension (2QKV)
Discussion of Proposal (2QJ1)
... (please insert - kindly identify yourself, and date the entries!) (2QJ2)
JohnGraybeal 2011.03.22: MMI spent considerable time determining what metadata would be important to have for ontologies that are maintained on behalf of communities that develop information resources. We found a number of metadata items that were important for ongoing management of ontologies -- where they came from, how they are maintained, frequency of update, licensing and permission, and even more refined details -- in addition to the OMV metadata specified at that time. We didn't implement everything we envisioned, but do have a fair number in our system. The Ontology Metadata page provides a summary of our conclusions. (2QKW)
Adopted: (2QFC)
... (coming!) (2QFD)
Discussion: (2QFE)
... (please insert - kindly identify yourself, and date the entries!) (2QFF)
References: (2QFG)
- Metadata for Ontologies - from the OntologySummit2008_Communique (2QFH)
- Metadata requirement - as stipulated in the OOR IPR Policy (2QFI)
- OMV (2QFL)
- (2QJ4)
- Presentation by PeterHaase "The OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary" at that session (2QFK)
- The Joint OpenOntologyRepository-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion Session - ConferenceCall_2008_04_10 (2QFJ)
- OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture (2QFM)