OntologySummit2007: Community Survey (VPV)
A "Ontology Summit 2007" Survey, which seeked input from the broader ontology community was released on 17-Mar-2007 requesting responses through an online form to be sent in by end-of-day Tue 27-Mar-2007. (VPW)
- Original survey covering message (and start of discussion thread on the matter): (VPX)
- as available online: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2007-03/msg00040.html (VPY)
- snapshot (ver. 2h7 dd 2007.03.27): http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2007/survey/survey-2h7_20070327.html (VPZ)
- The online survey form: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/survey/summit72.html (VQ0)
- See: OntologySummit2007 Community Survey /Response (VQ3)
- Response database - CSV file . . . Excel spreadsheet (Z55)
- see also the OntologySummit2007_Survey/ResponseAnalysis (ZWW)