ONTOLOG Face-to-face Workshop Nov. 5~7, 2003 - Planning Notes (AIK)
Comments & Suggestions (captured duringplanning phase) (AIL)
- Proposed Agenda (AIO)
- 2003.11.05 (Wednesday) (AIP)
- 15:00 to 17:00 - Joint session with full UBL committee (AIQ)
- Opportunity to report our status and solicit feedback (AIR)
- 17:30 to 19:00 - Tutorial (AIS)
- A specific topic for this tutorial has not been chosen, but the intent is to do something that would be useful to both the Ontolog and UBL communities. Something which compares and contrasts the range of formalization approaches was discussed at the meeting. (AIT)
- 2003.11.06 (Thursday) (AIU)
- Independent work day for [ontolog] (AIV)
- We might be able to organize another joint tutorial during lunch (perhaps something dealing with methodology) (AIW)
- There is a wine and cheese reception Thursday night. If you are planning to attend, the tradition is to bring a wine from your "native land" (AIX)
- 2003.11.07 (Friday) (AIY)
- Independent work day for [ontolog] (AIZ)
- The UBL team closes their meeting at 13:00 (AJ0)
- It is not expected that we would be able to conduct another joint session on Friday, but we might be able to recruit individuals to answer specific questions (AJ1)
- 2003.11.08 (Saturday) - optional (AJ2)
- No plans yet (AJ3)
- Jon would not be able to provide us with meeting space on Saturday. If we wish to continue our meeting, we would need to make other arrangements. (AJ4)
- Kurt may have a lead on a conference room in San Francisco, if desired. (AJ5)
- (AJ8)
- F2F meeting Days - Wed-2003.11.05 thru Fri-2003.11.07; Sat-2003.11.08 tbd (AJ9)
- Kurt will need to coordinate with JonBosak again to re-confirm our need of the venue on Wed. (AJA)
- BillMcCarthy may not be able to make it on Wed morning (but it will try to reshuffle the schedule to make it possible.) (AJB)
- (AJC)
- Connectivity (AJD)
- PeterYim & JonBosak are still working on trying to get internet connectivity (since the place is behind the Sun firewalls nominally, therefore, it may not be possible at all.) (AJE)
- given up on trying to get internet access ... wemake do with just laptops, a projector, a speaker phone and a usb flash drive (--ppy/2003.10.15). (AJF)
- (AJG)
- to-do: (Kurt / Peter to draft meeting framework) (AJH)
- outline our topics for presentation to UBL (AJI)
- each participant to bring in their positions/presentations for group work (AJJ)
- invite "outside" participant to share ideas with us (AJK)
- (AJL)
- a. Presentation & Tutorials (AJM)
- our presentation to UBL is scheduled for Wed 3~5pm (AJN)
- tutorial to be done at Wed 5~7pm, to increase the opportunity for UBL member participation (AJO)
- Bill suggests that the UBL participants should walk away with some kind of compelling belief in the necessity of ontological perspectives in their work. There is a lot of wisdom in the messaging work that can be codified, and that a top-down, ontological engineering approach is the right direction to pursue. (AJP)
- topics - Kurt's suggestions: (AJQ)
- why formalization; what does UBL gain from it; what does everybody else gain from it (AJR)
- our overall methodology; our formalization process (AJS)
- how we plan to move up from the UBL spreadsheets -- the definitions in there (textual definitions, even more so than the data fields) are already 80~90% ready for conversion to KIF (ref. Kurt and Adam's assessment - remembering that Adam's approach is to start from the natural language semantics) (AJT)
- how one crafts these definitions (that would be putting the tutorial in context) (AJU)
- delivering Bill's message - what is so compelling; how do we see ourselves moving forward; how dio we see them (UBL) moving forward and how both parties work will converge (AJV)
- Candidate UBL folks to invite to speak: (AJW)
- candidate "core" players to present/moderate: (AK5)
- Adam: SUO-KIF tutorial (AK6)
- Kurt: (AK7)
- Bill: (please advise) (AK8)
- John: (please advise) (AK9)
- Peter: cim3-CWE tutorial (AKA)
- Pat: Protege tutorial and Pat's plan on his project work (AKB)
- Leo: OWL and the semantic web (OWL tutorial too?) (AKC)
- candidate matters to cover at the F2F (AKD)
- adopt our charter (AKE)
- presentation & plenary meeting with UBL TC (AKF)
- establishing a roadmap for [ontolog] (AKG)
- plus a high level plan for the next 12 months (AKH)
- identifying ongoing projects and have for each: (AKI)
- a project mission (AKJ)
- a project team & team structure (at the least, a champion, and an editor) (AKK)
- a project plan (AKL)
- do session / tutorial on the tools (AKM)
- SIGMA-kee (AKN)
- protege (AKO)
- cim3-CWE (collaborative work environment) (AKP)
- funding / fundraising and sustainability discussion (AKQ)
- finalizing the drafting of the 3 use cases (add more if deemed necessary) (AKR)
- hands-on session to churn out the ubl-ontology (AKS)