Actual Contribution Made (182C)
Potential Contribution (182E)
Please describe below - existing work, technology, skills, use cases, other resources, ... etc.
that you (as individuals) or your institution (as co-sponsoring organizations) are potentially
bringing to the table, with respect to this OOR initiative. (182F)
What Individual Active Members may be bringing to the table: (182G)
- FarrukhNajmi - unfortunately, cannot be active on this project due to personal bandwidth limitations (182Q)
- ebXML RegRep specification expertise. Willing to take all reasonable unmet requirements into account for RegRep 4 which is actively being developed (1896)
- freebXML Registry open source implementation of ebXML RegRep (1897)
- Willing to help deploy root OOR instance if technology aligns with my expertise and if the effort is funded by a sponsor. (1898)
- see also - 2008.02.28: 4 - FarrukhNajmi - "ebXML RegRep as an OOR Server" - references: T (1AO0)
- JohnBateman (1CHV)
- as part of a newly started EU-funded project: "Open architecture for Accessible Services Integration and
Standardisation" we are working on an ontology-based architecture for controlling and mediating between services for a variety of groups of 'elderly' users. A requirement of this project is that it will be possible to add ontologies to an open repository; we will be exploring Wiki-like frontends with highpower logical tools behind. It will be good to bring together this work as it develops (website going online soon) and the OOR effort here. (1CHW)
- JohnGraybeal (182S)
- Though not strongly contributing to OOR yet, our Marine Metadata Interoperability project has started developing an ontology repository. We have use cases that are under development (see OOR use case page) and intend to stay connected to/integrated with OOR as much as we can. (1JG3)
- We would be thrilled to be part of a proposal that helped meet our functional requirements and coupled us to the OOR vision. (1JG4)
- KenBaclawski (182V)
- NIH Proposal. I included support for OOR services in an NIH/NLM proposal "Enhancing Organism Based Disease Knowledge Via Name Based Taxonomic Intelligence" that was submitted on 2008.03.03 (PI: Neil Sarkar). (1AWJ)
- NSF Proposal. An OCI/STCI proposal was submitted to the NSF, but it was declined. It will be revised and resubmitted. (1AWK)
- Requirements and Use Cases. (2AQJ)
- Gatekeeping. Maintaining quality, workflows for reviewing submissions, governance. (2AQK)
- KGoodier (1GT3)
- contribute to OOR Requirements and Use Cases. Co-contributor on NSF DataNet proposal. (1HW5)
- MarciaZeng (1830)
- Willing to be a liaison to the ISO TC46/SC 9 Project 25964: Structured Vocabularies; (19I7)
- With the expertise in thesaurus development, I'd be interested in working with the group to prepare a document regarding how to reuse thesauri in ontology development (19I8)
- Would like to work on quality measurement for the repository, focusing on the results of the converting/exchange between vocabularies encoded in SKOS, OWL, and other formats. (19I9)
- see OOR-Panel briefing on 2008.04.03 - slides (1DCH)
- MikeBennett (2JV4)
- Intend to contribute EDM Council Semantics Repository (2JV5)
- This is ODM/UML based (ODM with extensions for readability and tool differences) (2JV6)
- An OWL version is in development and from what we've seen so far it would have to be that which is contributed (2JV7)
- We have a major requirement for socialization of common ontology content (both domain independent and domain specific) (2JV8)
- Have identified a range of common meta-ontology terms which we would also like to see standardized (2JV9)
- RaviSharma (183B)
- Please see the Linked Presentation by author that also includes Visual Example of Repository Architecture titled "Example of OOR Architecture DrRaviSharma Vangent.PPT" and also referenced on Repository Architecture Page. (1GBQ)
- Added two potential usecase categories on 06/06/08 on Use Case Page (1IVP)
- Agreed to help Mike Dean on Documentation on OOR GForge Implementation (1IVQ)
- Suggested Addition of Update and versioning functionality in OOR implementation of Mike Dean. Also UML as potential future language addition to use ODM OMG Functionality, Export XMI functions and Depictions of Ontologies in UML Models etc. (1IVR)
- Use case and Requirements links to Mike's implementation as suggested by Kate and Agreed by Mike. (1IVW)
- Our OOR implementation ought to be interoperable with Ontologies in NeOn or EU efforts such as were discussed regarding ontology design patterns presentations on this Ontolog Wiki on 02/05/2009. (1T5T)
- RoyERoebuck (1ZBC)
- offering questions from a broader semantic spectrum, terminology management, and technical communication perspective, all in relation to the operational utility of an OOR. (1ZBD)
What Potential Sponsoring Organizations may be bringing to the table: (183H)
- CIM3 (PeterYim) - (188V)
- provide CWE (collaborative work environment) infrastructure and support for (or to incubate) this OOR initiative. [... the Ontolog-CWE & ProtegeWiki are good examples on how this infrastructure has been applied] (188W)
- leverage the ongoing work of the joint CIM3/BMIR CODS (Collaborative Ontology Development Service & Infrastructure) initiative. [... this supports Protege frame-based, RDF and OWL ontology development.] (188X)
- use the subversion-based repository that has been deployed in the CODS project as a baseline, upon which OOR features and enhancements can be built. see (the two UI's this developing repository is featuring right now): (188Y)
- leverage the experience from the hosting of the SigmaKEE (Sigma Knowledge Engineering Environment) work. [... this supports SUO-KIF, First Order Logic ontology development.] (188Z)
- we offer the server, and the hosting infrastructure, for the development and testing of the OOR technology, and the hosting of a public instance (hopefully, among the first instances) of the federated open ontology repository which this project is chartered to implement, deploy, operate and maintain. (183I)