UBL-Ontology Project Conference Call - Thu 2003-08-14 (7A8)
Conference Call Details (7A9)
- Subject: [ubl-ontology] project conference call Thu 2003-08-14 (7AA)
- Comments/Agenda: (7AB)
- (7AC)
- Agenda Comments: ... build rapport; ... sync up; ... distribute, assign or arbitrate virtual ownership of tasks; ... and use it to deal with emergencies. ... plus, member suggested agenda items. (7AD)
- Please post you suggested agenda items if you would like to see anything put onto the agenda (7AE)
- please post or upload any material to be shared to the list, to the wiki or by ftp upload prior to the meeting (7AF)
- VNC session will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (7AG)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (7AH)
- view-and-control pw: to be advised during the call as necessary (7AI)
- During the call, please browse the wiki page at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Conference_Call_2003-08-14 (7AJ)
- Date: Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 (7AK)
- Start Time: 10:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time (7AL)
- End Time: 11:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time (7AM)
- Dial-in Number: 1-702-851-3330 (Las Vegas, Nevada) (7AN)
- Participant Access Code: "030814#" (7AO)
Agenda Ideas (7B0)
Agenda & Proceedings (7B1)
- 2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (7B5)
- 3) Roll-call of participants (7B7)
- 4) Possible face-to-face meeting (7B9)
- a. week of Oct. 27, 2003 - SanFrancisco to coordinate with UBL meeting the following week[nid 29] (7BA)
- a.1. who's going to drive/champion/coordinate this? (7BB)
- update: no one has stepped forward yet; so PeterYim volunteered (7BC)
- PatCassidy would like to see more definative objective and working plan for the face to face, especially with respect to UBL work. (7BD)
- Possible participants (7BE)
- (7BM)
- b. Mar. 22-24, 2004 (alongside AAAI symposium at Stanford) (7BN)
- 5) Communication logistics & work protocols (7BQ)
- Lots of email traffic, but no decision on KIF vs. SUMO vs. Protoge (7BR)
- Protoge development environment is effective (7BS)
- PeterYim proposes putting both as normative - Protoge has beter tool support and acceptance, multiple output formats. (7BT)
- PatCassidy - no translation tools between environments, Protoge is flexible and can save in RDF. (7BU)
- JohnYunker - must show both clear added value of of the methodology, and show that using the methodology doesn't add significant time to production of the standards deliverable. (7BV)
- PeterYim - work out details of how representation can be consistent in both environments. (7BW)
- PatCassidy - how are modifications to the KIF file compiled and managed. (7BX)
- PeterYim - Adam uses a text editor so anyone can modify - Need to determine how this is then published (7BY)
- PeterYim proposes that Pat and Adam get together and propose a resolution (7BZ)
- PatCassidy will try to reach some sort of consensus with AdamPease and the rest of the group (hopefully), on dual representation, before he leaves on vacation in a week. (7C0)
- (He (Pat) will be missing the next 2 calls, and will only re-appear the first week of Sep. 2003. -- have a good vacation, Pat!) (7C1)
- PatCassidy requests the link to a viewable/downloadable copy of the SUMO ontology that is being presented on the KIFB ontology browser. PeterYim says he'll get that done and post the link(s). (7C2)
- 6) Work-in-Progress (7C3)
- 7) Formalization activities (7C8)
- a. Variations in definition of invoice concept (7C9)
- b. UBL reference documents (7CA)
- Questions about UBL specification of an implementation. Discussed how UBL maps the conceptual entity (Core Component) to implementation (XML) (7CB)
- We will probably be able to get TimMcGrath to enlighten us a bit more. Also, if we meet face-to-face right before the next UBL TC meeting, we could exchanged ideas with more of the UBL folks too. (7CC)
- PeterYim - use [ontolog] as a bridge between standards community and ontological engineering community. Looking forward to version 4 or 5 of UBL and this effort to merge and that UBL would move into being an ontology. (7CD)
discussion of the above (c, d, e & f) postponed. (7CJ)
- 8) Sponsorship and funding (7CK)
- discussion postponed. (7CL)
- 10) Next meeting date and adjourn (7CO)
- next meeting, same time next week, Thu 2003-08-21 10:30~11:30am PDT (7CP)
- meeting adjourned 11:28am PDT (7CQ)
notes taken by JohnYunker & PeterYim in real time on the wiki
/ 2003-08-14_11:48am PDT (7CR)