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[uos-convene] Remote Access to UOS Meetings [was - [Fwd: What needs don

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 15:09:02 -0800
Message-id: <43FF920E.3030505@xxxxxxxx>
Hi Barry,    (01)

 > [BS] Since I am in Germany, I believe I will only be
 > involved in the Upper Ontology Panel.    (02)

[ppy] All the more crucial that we get things pinned down over 
the next couple of weeks asynchronously over [uos-convene].    (03)

 > [BS] Can you explain how this will work technically ? Is it
 > enough if I have a phone and a browser?    (04)

[ppy] we (I guess that would be Steve and I, mostly) have yet to 
Remote Access to UOS Meetings [was - work out the details with 
NIST. I would imagine that it'll be quite similar to a normal 
Ontolog session (with you're already familiar with) ... and if 
that is the case (and, barring firewall issues), you're correct, 
all you would need is a phone, and a browser connected to the 
Internet.    (05)

We will properly announce the details once we have them ... the 
UOS Panel Session is billed as a meeting held both on-site AND 
virtually anyway.    (06)

Regards.  =ppy    (07)

P.S. Barry, I'm continuing this conversation as a new thread on 
[uos-convene] as your question is pertinent to a handful of the 
uos-conveners too.
--    (08)
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To: "peter.yim-cim3.com" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
From: "Smith, Barry" <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 17:17:17 -0500
Message-id: <phismith$$.>
Since I am in Germany, I believe I will only be involved in the Upper Ontology Panel.
Can you explain how this will work technically ? Is it enough if I have a phone and a browser?


Since we are only less than 3 weeks to our March 15 Upper Ontology Summit, and that we are trying to get all (most, at least) loose ends tied, before we even land at Gaithersburg, let me recap (from the 2006.02.16 organizing committee conference call) what we hope/need to get done through the use of this ([uos-convene]) discussion workspace:

Discussions on [uos-convene] to start urgently - three goals:

  * (i) get a technical solution that all would agree on - Pat to facilitate

  * (ii) get the joint communique drafted - Pat & Leo to facilitate

  * (iii) get the agenda for the three meetings laid out - chair of each meeting will facilitate that (attn: Leo, Brand & Steve)

Ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2006_02_16#nidK6J

By the way, the three meeting are namely:

(1) Mar. 14, 2005 - 8:30~10:00am and then 1~5 pm EST

Session title: "Upper Ontology Summit Joint Communique Preparation Meeting"

Session Chair: Dr. Leo Obrst, Ontolog co-convener, MITRE

Session Description: (tentative) A small group consisting of upper ontology custodians, the invited key participants, and the organizing committee gets together to work out the final technical details of what they agreed to in light of the purpose of the UOS, and to finalize the "Joint Communique" that all are expected to signed at the 3/15 pm public panel session.

(2) Mar. 15, 2006 - 9 am ~ 12 noon EST

Session title: "Upper Ontology Application Dialog"

Session Chair: Dr. Brand Niemann, SICoP Chair, EPA

Session Description: (tentative) In addition to the panelists, organizers, and key participants, early adopters, potential users and potential funders of ontology development will be invited to discuss mutual concerns.

(3) Mar. 15, 2006 - 1 pm ~ 5 pm EST

Session title: The "Upper Ontology Summit" Panel Session

Session Chair: Dr. Steven Ray, NIST

Session Description: There are a number of extensive upper ontologies in existence today, including SUMO, OpenCyc Upper Ontology, DOLCE, BFO, PSL, ISO 15926 and many others emerging from the OWL community and application areas such as biomedical research. At this summit workshop, following a series of discussions carried out among the "custodians" of the leading existing upper ontologies and key practitioners, a communique will be delivered to the community that will articulate the group's view of how these upper ontologies will be expected to interoperate in the future.  It is our belief that a consolidation of the technical community will lead to a more thriving marketplace for semantic technologies, with associated benefits of improved interoperability and productivity for participating customers. Members of the public press will be invited to join us.

Therefore, while the technical discussion is probably more fun, we'd need to move on multiple front quickly, guys!

Cheers.  =ppy
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