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[uom-ontology-std] OK - here is a raw brain dump

To: uom-ontology-std <uom-ontology-std@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "edbark@xxxxxxxx" <edbark@xxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:20:35 -0700
Message-id: <C6E2AC63.6BEF%dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
I took a deep breath before sending this.

This may be naïve, but I always envisioned something like this.  This is not in any formal notation and I hope you can understand the meaning (ironic to state on this list no??).  Feel free to pick apart, snub, ignore, criticize or whatever.

For a UoM ontology, I originally envisioned a set of primitive classes that could be inherited and specialized.  The primitive classes should be totally abstract and contain concepts only.  This would allow existing taxonomies for UoM to make links to the upper ontology.  

I agree that details should be left as vague as possible (to quote John S).

Uber Parent Class: Measurement
Class Type: Abstract
     Attributes: Units, qualifiers, precision

Class: 2D measurement (linear distance)
Type: primitive, abstract
  Class attributes:
      Units: the value domain for instances of this class
      length qualifier (qualifier for the value domain /units - example: Meters, feet, furlongs..would only be realized in a concrete sub class or existing taxonomic classification)
      precision (tolerance qualifier for units)
Classes Inheriting from 2D Measurement
     Length: a specialized type of the 2d measurement for measuring the longest distance attribute of a given object
     Height: a specialized type of the 2D measurement for measuring vertical distance
     Width: ......
     circumference....a curved measurement (here the precision is really important as it must preserve appearances of curves)
Related sub Classes
     Cube Volume: Combining height,length width etc.

Class: Temporal:
Type: Primitive, abstract
     Class Attributes:
          Units of measure: the value domain for the instances of this class
          Units qualifier (eg seconds, etc., based on zero Length displacement while measuring time)

Class: Energy (primitive class for all energy measurements, including mass)
Type: primitive, abstract
      Class attributes:

Inheriting classes
     Linear Speed
     Average Speed

Compound classes combine measurements from 2 or more primitive classes such as length and temporal.

Compound class: Length/Temporal – a concept of a displacement measured by both time and distance.
    Class attributes:
     Point A: a three dimensional point in space, referenced via a second three dimensional point in space
     Point B: a three dimensional point in space, juxtaposed to the first 3 dimensional point in space.
     Temporal reference A:
     Temporal Reference B:


On 9/25/09 12:10 PM, "ravi sharma" <drravisharma@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am glad that the nature of mass is not entering this discussion and we are limiting ourselves to objects (things) such as quantity, units, measures, and others, as well as algorithmic or rules based conversions and other transformations (as a parallel - I am probably seeing these akin to metadata). These alone are not trivial as seen by dozens of submissions on this topic since yesterday.
SI, VIM, UCUM, and what else (?) ought to be the minimum set of concepts /standards before we can at least specify a relevant ontology for Units relating to "mass" as example? Or, is it too early to expect a design pattern?
P.S. I would also like some of us to start a thread on physics and conceptual definition on nature of a physical quantity such as "mass", "photon", etc. if there is sufficient interest.

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