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Re: [uom-ontology-admin] UoM coordination meeting (Mon Nov-16) andThu 20

To: <uom-ontology-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Mason, Howard (UK)" <Howard.Mason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 08:30:20 -0000
Message-id: <4B5102D6FD665447821D45C621B5393CC662E9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Please note that the UNECE has released a new edition (June 2009) of 
Recommendation 20 on units of measure for international trade, which is widely 
used, not just in EDIFACT. We cannot ignore this.     (01)

Howard Mason (via Blackberry)
Corporate IT Office
Tel: +44 1252 383129
Mob: +44 780 171 3340
Eml: howard.mason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx    (02)

BAE Systems plc
Registered Office: 6 Carlton Gardens, London, SW1Y 5AD, UK
Registered in England & Wales No: 1470151    (03)

----- Original Message -----
From: uom-ontology-admin-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
To: uom-ontology-admin <uom-ontology-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue Nov 17 10:45:02 2009
Subject: Re: [uom-ontology-admin] UoM coordination meeting (Mon Nov-16) andThu 
2009.11.19 open team session preparation    (04)

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Folks,    (07)

The session page for the Thu 2009.11.19 community session is now up.
.. kindly review and make (or email FrankOlken and myself) any
amendment or update you see fit.    (08)

> ... Kindly email me your slide decks - expecting one from: Frank
> (opening), Howard (charter & scheduling), and wip/status from Ed
> (English languagae draft standard), Pat (draft standard in CLIF),
> Rob+Chip+HansPeter (draft standard in OWL 2 DL)  and DavidLeal (draft
> standard in UML.)    (09)

I forgot to mention that I'd appreciate getting all the slides by
end-of-day Wed Nov-18 (so I can work on them early morning Nov-19 to
get ready for the session.) ... By the way, Rob, Chip and HansPeter
will probably need to coordinate among themselves on what to present
during the session ... do feel free to do it off-line, over this
[uom-ontology-admin] list, or even over the open [uom-ontology-std]
mailing list. ... If anyone needs a little extra time to prepare the
slides, please give me some warning (by emailing your ETA), so I can
be schedule my other stuff around it.    (010)

I will be making an "official" announcement of this session now!    (011)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--     (012)

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thank you to everyone who were able to join us today (EdBarkmeyer,
> PatHayes, JamieClark, PeterYim (scribe), FrankOlken (chair),
> HowardMason and JoelBender) ... we had a good meeting and tied down
> the agenda for the community session this coming Thursday.
> Proceedings (including the audio archive) of today's call is now available
> at: 
> ... kindly review and edit to improve on the accuracy and level of
> detail of the notes as you see fit.
> In particular,
> 0.  Howard is still accepting input to the OASIS TC draft until the
> end of today. His plan is to draw up a finalized draft by tomorrow,
> which will then be posted to the community and get adopted for
> submission this Thursday.
> 1.  Frank will be chairing the Thu 2009.11.19 session. We expect to
> finalized the charter and players involved to move this work onto an
> OASIS TC, and official agree to submit this to OASIS. The agenda will
> include:
> 1.1.  get agreement on the charter (presentation of draft by Howard then 
> 1.2.  work out of an OASIS schedule (including adopting a date for the
> first OASIS TC meeting ... Howard to lead the discussion with Jamie at
> hand to provide guidance),
> 1.3.  review progress of all working drafts (WIP report from the 4
> champions ... 1 to 5 slides from each), and
> 1.4.  open discussion (including finding out who will be involved).
> ... Kindly email me your slide decks - expecting one from: Frank
> (opening), Howard (charter & scheduling), and wip/status from Ed
> (English languagae draft standard), Pat (draft standard in CLIF),
> Rob+Chip+HansPeter (draft standard in OWL 2 DL)  and DavidLeal (draft
> standard in UML.)
> 2.  our next "meeting" will obviously be on this Thursday's community
> session - ref. developing details
> at: 
> ... talk to you all then!
> 3.  and our next weekly UoM-coordination will resume on Mon Nov-30,
> same time - call details to be developed
> under: 
> ... talk to you all then, too!
> Best regards.  =ppy
> --    (013)

> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> It's high time we sync-up again. Let's resume our Monday regular
>> coordination meeting schedule, and get together for 1.0~1.5 Hr:
>>  on Monday 2009.11.16 starting at 11:00am EST / 8:00am PST / 5:00pm
>> CET / 4:00pm GMT / 16:00 UTC
>>  * Dial-in No. (US) +1-218-844-8060; (UK) 0844-581-9148; (France)
>> 0826-100-280;
>>     please call one of the numbers above if a local number is not
>> available at your country
>>  * Conference ID: "4389979#"
>> We can:
>>  * do a postmortem on the 2009.10.30 workshop
>>  * tie down an agenda for the upcoming open team virtual session
>> slated for Thu 2009.11.19
>>  * review the drafts in progress
>>  * ... etc.
>> I have just started a meeting workspace
>> at: 
>> Please review and add any item you want to see discussed there (or via
>> this mail thread.)
>> We're expecting: HowardMason, SteveRay, FrankOlken, EdBarkmeyer,
>> PatHayes, DavidLeal, DavidPrice, RobRaskin, ChipMasters,
>> GuntherSchadow, HansPeter_de_Koning, JoelBender, PeterYim at this
>> call. If you feel that some other individual needs to be at the call
>> too, feel free to ask him/her to join us. ... RSVP (regrets or
>> additions only!)
>> Talk to you all then.  =ppy
>> --    (014)

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  • Re: [uom-ontology-admin] UoM coordination meeting (Mon Nov-16) andThu 2009.11.19 open team session preparation, Mason, Howard (UK) <=