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[socop-forum] Correction on USGS topic for geo-ontology Workshop Nov. 29

To: Socop Forum <socop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 10:51:54 -0400
Message-id: <CAMhe4f1ZhAf-ex09J0zZWbNrweKexyvsLuf3FRNBwuP66Fkxtw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
One correction on the topic descriptions.

The USGS topic is more properly called work on terrain ontology. This would provide an ontology for surface characterization based on a complete theory of surfaces such as Warntz surfaces -  network of peaks, pits, ridges, valleys, passes, and pales. This is more properly typography than topographic.

Participates in the June 2011 typography WG at the SOCoP VoCamp in DC (lead by Gaurav Sinha) included:

  • Gary-Berg Cross
  • Gaurav Sinha
  • Ryan Kohl
  • Tri Datta
  • David Mattli
  • And  Dalia Varanka


At that time the group developed an action plan to move forward working on the domain of water bodies and use the Hudson River in New York as a use-case inspiration as something to model.

The current effort is aimed at a complete theory of surfaces as noted above such as Warntz surfaces.

Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.  
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies    
Potomac, MD

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This year's 2012 SOCoP workshop will take place at the USGS National facility Nov 29-30 in Reston VA.

This will be a hands on Geo-VoCamp style workshop that will build on previous SOCoP workshops and VoCamps participated in by SOCoP members.

This Geo-workshop is organized around 4 Work Groups made up of domain experts, group facilitators and people with semantic/ontological experience. The 4 current topics are:

  • Typography (USGS topic with consideration of Hydrology, follow up to DCVocamp 2011)
  • Semantic Trajectories design pattern (follow on to Dayton VoCamp)
  • Sites (Ecological perspectives)
  • Containment and contained space/regions design pattern (Follow on to Motion & Path image schema based patterns and possible connection to GeoSPARQL)

Basic information on the workshop is at where people who want to attend can register and identify which topic is of interest.

There will be a Webex of the first morning session (limited to first 20) along with end of the say summaries. There also will be teleconf for people to listen in to these general session and briefing slides will be made on the
SOCoP Wiki page  developed for the workshop.

Questions and expressions of interest about the workshop can be addressed to me at gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx.

Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.  
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies    
Potomac, MD


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  • [socop-forum] Correction on USGS topic for geo-ontology Workshop Nov. 29-30, Gary Berg-Cross <=