Workshop on Cognitive Engineering for Mobile GIS 2011
In conjunction with the Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT'11) (01)
Belfast, Maine, USA, September 12-16th 2011. (02) (03)
*Workshop Description & Scope* (04)
While mobile computing and Location-Based Services (LBS) have been
around for more than a decade, it is just now that the availability of
open source APIs and GPS-enabled smartphones make them accessible to a
broader public. Citizens as sensors, location-based social networks, and
lifelogs offer new, highly heterogeneous and timely sources of data that
require processing and integration to develop mobile recommender and
decision support systems on top of them. In contrast to desktop
applications, mobile services are highly affected by contextual
information such as the weather, they have reduced user interfaces, and
require additional inference to extract user profiles and tasks from
implicit information such as local time and location. The combination of
these factors makes cognitive engineering methods to user interfaces and
recommender services a promising approach. Such methods integrate
cognitive and computer science approaches to the design and construction
of machines. More specifically, when applying cognitive engineering to
Mobile GIS, principles of human spatial cognition regarding the
representation and processing of spatial and temporal aspects of
phenomena, and aspects of mobile decision-making must be considered. (05)
*List of Relevant Topics* (06)
Relevant topics include but are not limited to: (07)
Cognitive Engineering for a dynamic world
Cognitive aspects of mobile computing
Evaluation of cognitive engineering approaches
Location-based decision support systems
Mobile aspects of human decision-making
Spatial learning in a mobile context
Mobile Human-Computer-Interaction
Citizens as sensors
Volunteered Geographic Information for mobile devices
Communication of geographic information
Trust and provenance in mobile geographic information
Representing and reasoning about context
Semantic similarity and analogy
Ontology personalization
Semantics of geographic information
Mobile Semantic Web
Personal mobile GIS
Mobile sensor systems
Location-based services
Geovisualization for mobile devices (08)
*Workshop Format and Structure* (09)
The workshop will focus on intensive discussions setting a road-map for
research on cognitive engineering for Mobile GIS. To prepare the
discussion and share thoughts with the research community, participants
are requested to submit short vision statements between 4-6 pages in
length. These statements of interest will be used by the program
committee to select relevant topics for breakout groups. The vision
statements will be presented as lightning talks of not more than 5
minutes to inspire discussion and coordinate the breakout groups. The
groups will report on their outcomes, identified research topics, and
how they relate to each other. We especially welcome demonstrations and
will have a session for their presentation. The workshop organizers will
take notes and collect feedback during the discussions and prepare a
draft version of a poster that outlines the research agenda. This poster
will be discussed in a final session and published online. (010)
*Submissions and Proceedings* (011)
All presented papers will be made available through the workshop
web-page and published as a volume at CEUR-WS online proceedings.
Submissions have to be formatted according to Springer's Lecture Notes
in Computer Science style. While the workshop will focus on discussion
of upcoming research, extended versions of workshop papers will be
considered for a fast-track submission to a journal open-call special
issue on Cognitive Engineering for Mobile GIS targeted for the first
quarter of 2012. (012)
*Important Dates* (013)
Submission due: 10. June 2011
Acceptance Notification: 30. June 2011
Camera-ready Copies: 11. July 2011 (014)
*Organizers* (015)
Krzysztof Janowicz, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Martin Raubal, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Antonio Krüger, Saarland University, Germany
Carsten Keßler, University of Muenster, Germany (016)
*Programme Committee* (017)
Benjamin Adams, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Drew Dara-Abrams, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Boyan Brodaric, Geological Survey of Canada, Canada
Michael Compton, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
Matt Duckham, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrew Frank, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Brent Hecht, Northwestern University, USA
Stephen Hirtle, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Christian Kray, University of Muenster, Germany
Daniel R. Montello, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Silvia Nittel, University of Maine, USA
Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University and University of
Helsinki, Finland
Tumasch Reichenbacher, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Kai-Florian Richter, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Michael Rohs, University of Munich, Germany
Johannes Schoening, Saarland University, Germany
Matthew Turk, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (018)
Krzysztof Janowicz (019)
GeoVISTA Center, Department of Geography, 302 Walker Building
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (020)
Email: jano@xxxxxxx
Semantic Web Journal: (021)
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