Below are the draft SOCoP Meeting Minutes held Wednesday Sept. 22 2010
from 11:00 - 12:00 EDT (01)
Attendees/Participants Gary Berg-Cross (Knowledge Strategies), Peter
Yim (CIM3), Todd Pehle (Orbis Technologies), Nancy Wiegand (U of
Wisconsin ), Krzysztof Janowicz (Penn State) (02)
This meeting was delayed 15 minutes due to a teleconference snafu and
this was therefore an abbreviated meeting. But the following were
discussed: (03)
1. Workplan for 2010 including
a. Update on the near complete Demo. (04)
Todd provided a status report on the Demo indicating that he was going
to concentrate in the month of November on loading data for the
demonstration December 3rd. Todd estimates that he probably has 1-2
weeks of loose end coding, fixes and data. He is near ready to move
from the data to build more of a GUI and so may make some aesthetic
changes to the map on the preliminary Marbles GUI. When populated the
demo will then plug easily into the Marble Linked Data browser
service which is what the user will see and query. For data the focus
is to get some good data into SamePlaceAs as well as a local SPARQL
server loaded with USGS RDF. The target geo-areas will be over the
Capitol Mall area in D.C. plus Manhattan area in NYC. These areas were
chosen since many people are familiar with landmarks in these areas.
Time permitting Todd will also try to interlink some of the USGS data
over Denver that Dalia had mentioned a while ago. Primary data sets
Todd has initially targeting are: (05)
USGS data,
Linked Geo Data (OSM),
GeoNames &
DBPedia. (06)
Todd will post a video in mid-November for SOCoP people to comment on
and so they can provide suggestions. (07)
b. 3rd Annual SOCoP Workshop (Dec 3. ) (08)
There is now a draft prospectus and plans for the Dec. 3 SOCoP
workshop at USGS facilities. The draft Prospectus and A link to
registration are on the SOCoP-ONTOLOG wiki. Go to: (09)
The following is Oct 29, Draft Agenda and Schedule for the 2010 SOCoP workshop (010)
9:00 - 9:10 Introductions, Welcome and Overview - John Moeller (011)
9:10-9:45 Keynote: Spatial semantics for better interoperability
and analysis:
Challenges and experiences in building
semantically rich applications in
Web3.0 Amit Sheth, (via webcast) Wright State
University (012)
9:45 – 10:15 Standards Activities and Geospatial Semantics and
Ontologies (Geosparql
OGC geosemantics efforts and ISO/IEC SC32/WG2
metadata): Josh
Liebermann , Luis Bermudez and Laura Reece (013)
10:15 - 10:30 Break (014)
10:30 - 11:00 Ontology for the National Map: Dalia Vranka, USGS (015)
11:00- 11:30 NGA – Semantics and Ontologies in
Geospatial-Intelligence: Jon Clark,
11:30 – 11:40 INTEROP - An Interdisciplinary Network to Support Geospatial Data
Sharing, Integration, and
Interoperability: Nancy Wiegand,
(University of Wisconsin) (016)
11:40 - 12:30 Demo & Talk on 'Space, Time, Knowledge - From Semantic
Heterogeneity to Semantic
Interoperability': Todd Pehle
(Orbis Tech) and Krzysztof
Janowicz (PSU) (017)
12:30- 1:15 Lunch and Networking - On your Own USGS Cafeteria (018)
1:15- 2:45 Afternoon session Roundtable Discussions (Topics still
under development
include, vocabulary, use cases, follow up to
morning sessions, planning for
new demonstrations etc.) (019)
2:45 - 3:00 Wrap Up (020)
One new idea that Todd and Krzysztof developed at the meeting was to
have someone from present and talk about their efforts to
convert data to RDF and what issues they have found. It was suggested
that if we couldn’t get Hendler we should try to get a relevant local
person. We should also try to balance the discussion of semantic
services and ontologies. This idea lead to the idea this topic in
roundtable discussion, which might further address a VoCamp focusing
on a top-level for geographic feature types. (021)
Other desirable roundtable topics include work on use case, concepts
for next year’s demos and new geosemantic services. (022)
Peter and Gary discussed pre and post-workshop efforts to capture the
knowledge and experience of the workshop. Still to be investigated
are the AV and internet facilities at USGS and whether we can record
in the breakout rooms. Peter will work with Gary to set up recording
for the morning sessions and perhaps store a video version of the demo
off to the Wiki so that people can view it after the workshop. (023)
2. Update on the NSF CyberInfrastructure grant award - Nancy (024)
Nancy Wiegand had yet to look into how the UW grant administration
process will work and didn’t have firm guidance beyond that yet, but
would talk to the grants office. She is still getting ideas by
talking to various GI scientists to get ideas on use cases. One
challenge is finding an intermediary who understand enough and can
bridge between different specialties which involve geosemantics. (025)
There being no other Items/New Business the group set a tentative date
for the next planned meting as Wed Nov. 17th 2010. (026)
Gary Berg-Cross,Ph.D.
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies
Semantic Technology
Potomac, MD
240-426-0770 (027)
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