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Re: [socop-forum] Preliminary agenda for next SOCoP Meeting -WednesdayAp

To: <socop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Moeller, John J (IS)" <JOHN.MOELLER@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:41:11 -0400
Message-id: <6A56D82ACD5A414390131171CDC0E28201D26C4A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Gary - have you heard anything from Todd? We need to know so we can do a write-up which is due tomorrow.


From: socop-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <socop-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Socop Forum <socop-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun Apr 18 21:03:03 2010
Subject: [socop-forum] Preliminary agenda for next SOCoP Meeting -WednesdayApril 21 2010 from 11:00 - 12:00 EDT

The next SOCoP Meeting is Wednesday April 21 2010 from 11:00 - 12:00 EDT
 The Teleconference # is: 866-740-2200 and the Participant  code is:  9765978#


 Proposed Agenda (Order may vary depending on participant schedules/constraints)


1. Introductions                                               John Moeller


2.  Update on USGS integrated National Map (TNM) data becoming available. Eric Wolf & Dalia Veranka, will describe the progress made toward an outfacing Server and  National Map data conversion into triples.


3.     Workplan for 2010 including

    1. Update on planning for a good presentation/demo for Tech Days
    2. Progress   implementing  a “geo/spatial sparql” in the SAIL collaboration with USGS on demo along with  ideas for Developing a GUI client using OpenLayers  (Todd Pehle)
    3. Update on the OGC Geosemantics work
    4. Plans for  June the Geosemantics DWG.
    5. Further development of a  reference model and OGC collaboration


4.     - Update on efforts to populate the Open Ontology Repository for SOCoP (Mike Dean and Gary Berg-Cross)


5.     Status of NSF INTEROP proposal (Nancy Wiegand).


6.     Other Items/New Business                        


7.     Wrap-up and setting a time for May meeting and any needed work group sessions.                                      

Gary Berg-Cross,Ph.D.
SOCoP Executive Secretary
Knowledge Strategies
Semantic Technology
Potomac, MD
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  • Re: [socop-forum] Preliminary agenda for next SOCoP Meeting -WednesdayApril 21 2010 from 11:00 - 12:00 EDT, Moeller, John J (IS) <=